I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 23, 2005

Rita? Only if her first name is Marga.

I've been getting a lot of well-wishes from people around the world (I know! Can you believe it?) via here and TSG. Just thought I'd update you on what's going on here. Well, right now: not much. It looks like Rita will pass to the East of Dallas, so I think we'll miss the heavy stuff.

Today started out just like the past two weeks. Hot. Clear. Sunny. It has been insanely hot. Like, records breaking left and right. So when I left work this afternoon at 5, the southwest corner of the sky was looking gloomy while the northeast side was still nice and clear. Observe! This picture was taken facing south, just over a gas station. I should've tried to include the prices since they have jumped about $0.20 in the past 24 hours to about $2.88. Ridiculous.

And when I left for the bar this evening, the winds were starting to pick up a little. Normally, I wouldn't call it particularly windy, but it's kind of like, the storm's a-brewin kind of breeze. Kinda spooky. And then when I left the bar, the winds were picking up just a smidge. Not quite enough to straighten the flags out, but enough to make them ripple. But I just went outside and noticed that the clouds are pretty thick now. I don't think it'll be bad here. I hope I'm right, of course. Not only would that mean that we are safe, but it also means that I am right.

Point is, I'm good. Gabs is good. We're safe. We should concentrate on those along the Texas/Louisiana border. They're the ones who are really gonna get smacked with it. And East Texas will probably bear the brunt of most of the rain and tornados. Just thought I'd let you guys know. Thanks for the well wishes. =)


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