I hope you're not expecting something specific.

August 21, 2005

Hey, remember last weekend when I went to go see Bowling for Soup out at FireWater? Like, how could you possibly forget, right? I wrote a novel about it. Anyway. Last night, Elizabeth and I went back for more local, live, kickass music.

The first band wasn't exactly local. They were from Louisiana, but close enough. They're called The American Tragedy and I must say.... pretty damn good. A little too metal for me personally, but I can still pick out a good band when I hear one. And the lead singer had a great voice. Very talented. Good band. Kudos. Oh, and their guitar player is hot.

And then we met these guys from Ohio. Beth asked them what they thought of the song by BFS, but it was too loud for me to hear the answer. And then I asked them the obnoxious question that I must ask every Ohioan (say it out loud! Fun word!): What the hell is a Buckeye? I mean, I know what it is. It’s a nut. It’s a tree. It’s a nut that becomes a tree. But that’s your mascot? Seriously? Maybe I shouldn’t make fun of them. I should’ve learned not to do that after about the 57th time I made fun of Texas A&M. But they’re just so…. OK. I better stop there. I wouldn’t want to offend any passing Aggies. Anyway. Buckeyes are goofy, IMNHO. That is all.

And then the second band was Mermaid Purse. I'm not going to lie. I wasn't paying much attention. I think they're from Denton. I was talking most of the time. What is my deal with not paying attention to the second band? I didn't pay attention last week, either.

And then... Zac Maloy. Man. He is just awesome. He used to be the frontman for The Nixons (remember the song "Sister"?) and now he does his own thing. Puts on a helluva show. And the cool part... since the place wasn't massively crowded like it was last week, we actually got to meet him and have a decent chat with him, both before and after the show. He seems so soft-spoken when he's not onstage and then he starts performing and we get our asses kicked because he completely rocks. Sincerely nice guy to boot. He said he's doing a lot of producing as of late, so he's not touring as much. But hopefully, if you see that he's performing near you, you'll recognize the name and go check it out. Seriously. He is amazing.

Anyway. Apart from a torrid relationship with a burrito, the night was great fun. Beth and I figured out that we have so much in common that it's a smidge freaky. Ain't it rad when you meet someone like that?

In unrelated news: I hope it's OK with everyone if I do not like the Rolling Stones. Not even a little bit. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a buckeye is a nut? that's news to me. what's an aggie anyway? my favorite team is michigan. go blue! yeah i'm a college football freak.

i've only met one person that i shared freakishly huge amounts of similarities with. and she's the most amazing person i know. it's wonderful.

11:48 AM

Blogger Ciberblade said...

Buckeyes are not goofy! :mad:

3:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, aren't you little miss luckycakes this month? Lots of good music and good times... burrito fixations and all.

Zac Maloy brings the shit. Anyone that can rock that hard on "Okie From Muskogee" is coolio in my book.

I got your back on the Stones. Unfortunately, their dessicated corpses will still be touring for the next 3 centuries. *sigh*
Stay strong, Di.


11:44 PM

Blogger Dew said...

It's ok: I like the Stones enough for you & Ota combined. I'm currently trying to score tickets for the Geriatrics Tour, in fact (I'm betting the product tie-ins are getting ever closer to prune juice and Centrum Silver, so I may go shelf-surfing in my quest).

11:47 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

Weird. Mermaid Purse was my nickname in high school.

8:29 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

This website has been approved by a man wearing a toaster strudel!

8:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the HELL did you know? Are you spying on me or something?

Get outta mah computer!!


10:31 PM


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