I hope you're not expecting something specific.

August 09, 2005

Everybody Hates Me

I've pissed people off on TSG. I've seemingly disappointed my blog readership. Jessica is irritated with me for... I don't know. Not talking to her the prescribed amount of time? An amount that I'm not privy to. The co-parent fucking acts like I don't even exist, which is pretty embarrassing when we're meeting Gabi's kindergarten teacher for the first time.

So to everyone I've managed to piss off... I'm sorry. I have no idea how to make you all happy at the same time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your blog, its better then most I have seen. There are people out there creating blogs just to get money from google adsense. I have to admit I am one of them. But I do not go around spamming websites with stupid crap that nobody wants to read. Just be patient keep blogging, and you will get the readership. Trust me I only get 800 visits to my blog per month and I have only made a few dollars so far with adsense.

Hang in there.

8:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i still like you di :)

12:19 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

You can collectively tell TSG to kiss my ass if they've got a problem with you. You know you're my chica, Di, and I've got your back even if everyone else is pissed at you. I know I haven't been around much (I've been incredibly busy for reasons I'll enumerate at another time), but I hope you know I'm still here for you. I will try to look for you on messenger soon and drop me an email anytime you need to. Much love and stay strong, dah-link. You're still my luff.

1:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmmm, I WAS irritated with you, AT THE BAR- and I told you why (like you really cared at the time). If you recall, I moved, and it goes both ways, chica. I really do enjoy hearing about you via your blog, though. And if your're upset because I haven't called you, you should know my job has me bent over and I'm kinda busy taking it up the ass right now.

Ok, I'm sorry. It's been a shitty day, but damn girl, did you not think it would sting a little to READ that you got laid? It seems to be that way lately, and I know the move isn't making it any easier. I know you think I don't like your date, I don't even know him, and that might be the problem. You didn't even introduce us, Di; he had to himself the night of your birthday, and if he told you, my reception wasn't very warm. But anyway, there might be bigger issues here....call me.

1:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Met loves ya Di and LOVES your blog..

5:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Di... :)

Lemme tell ya this. It's a short putt to piss people off at TSG. Don't let it get to you. The place is full of controversy...there is no loyalty there. None.

I have no idea what has transpired of late, but, I do have a few pearls of wisdom for you. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and find a new stomping ground.

BTW...I love reading your blog! You are a bright spot on this never ending road we call the internet.

Be well and take care...


9:04 PM

Blogger Ciberblade said...

Ummmm....what have I missed at TSG?

Is it something I need to take care of? If I can make Linsky walk away, I know I can take care of your hassle...just point the way motomay ;)

Oh, and congrats on the date :cool:

5:19 AM

Blogger di said...

Thanks for everyone's comments! Er.... even the one about the ceiling fan =/ I was really having "a day." I hope you'll forgive my drama. I think everyone's happy now. =)

3:50 PM


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