I hope you're not expecting something specific.

August 08, 2005

Breaking News

I got a date.

It's not for another two weeks. But a date's a date, baby!!! Oh crap. What am I going to wear??? Geez, that sucks. I have two weeks to freak out about that. On the upside, though... I have a date.

Although I am a bit weary about this one little aspect. You see, every time we hang out, I seem to end up with a minor injury. First it was the scratch on my back. Then last Friday, we were walking back to our cars after a party and I swear I was not drunk, but a bright street light distracted me from seeing a curb and not only did I trip, but I fell down. All the way. And not gracefully in the least bit. The embarrassment was almost as much as the physical pain and considering I have no pride, you know that's a lot of pain. He wasn't laughing so hard that he couldn't help me up, so that's a good sign. And he actually asked if I was OK through his tears, which I thought was nice. Anyway, my ankle still hurts and is a little stiff. No strange colors or visible swelling, so I guess I won't have to chop off my foot. But now my opposite knee is starting to hurt too. Geez, I'm like 84 over here.

OK, I'm going to get my walker and and scoot on over to my craftmatic bed. You hooligans keep the noise down over there.


Blogger Dew said...

I think what you mean, Granny, is "You kids get off my porch!!"

Let's talk when you roll over in the bed in the a.m. for a nice stretch and maybe to wiggle your hindquarters in the burgeoning lap of your bed buddy (I call mine my husband), and it sounds like Snap, Crackle & Pop each invited every member of their large, extended families over into the boudoir to dance around your every vertebra and joint. Then let's talk.

8:52 PM

Blogger Dew said...

p.s. You're shagging but not DATING?!?!?

8:53 PM

Blogger di said...

There was the one shag and it was quite enjoyable, but the law was lain (???) and there will be no more shagging until there have been some dates. I shan't fall into the CK trap again, even though this guy is miles above CK in the general quality department. No worries. We're dating now, OK? ;)

8:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you shagged before you dated? you sound pretty darn young to me...

10:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you had better self control than that, Di. I know the radius hasn't been kind to you recently... but c'mon girl.


11:56 PM

Blogger di said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:13 AM

Blogger di said...

OK listen people. I'm 29 years old. Sorry I'm not as virtuous as you THINK I should be, but it's not really up to you. I've finally met a guy that I totally like who isn't a complete fucking asshole. Can I have my moment without the criticism? I can't go back and un-shag him so why the grief?

I thought I had some freedom to write what I please after I banned anonym-ass, but geez, maybe not.

6:20 AM

Blogger di said...


6:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch out for that CK Trap. The Cowboys always used to run that one for Emmitt, and Larry Allen would just pulverize the middle linebacker. As for the dating stuff, just enjoy the ride (in both the dirty and non-dirty senses).

Santos-McGarry Campaign Headquarters and Hooligans Union Local #413

7:17 AM

Blogger Ryan said...

I liked the part where people shagged. That was hot. LOVE!

7:50 PM

Blogger Dew said...

Hey, I'm not judging -- didn't mean to open a can of worms with my question, either!

Shag on, love bunny, shag on!!

3:18 PM


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