I hope you're not expecting something specific.

July 01, 2005

It's F Day!

OK listen. I have to get this off my chest before it infects my entire weekend. Better to do it now instead of letting it fester. Also.... I should attach an adult language advisory and if you would like to go on believing that I do not curse like a sailor when I am set off, please do not highlight the following. Thank you.

How come some people cannot fucking admit that they were just a jerk to me??? They KNOW they were a jerk, yet they call me bitchy! Grrrrr!!!! For EXAMPLE!!! The past few weeks, Gabi's grandfather has picked her up from school on Fridays. This week, I was told that he would not be picking her up and I would need to pick her up and wait for her father to get off work and her father would pick her up from my house before taking her to his mom's. Gottit? OK, well I decide that it would be better for everyone involved if I dropped her off at his work since it is much closer to his mom's and it would not make sense to double back all that way to my house and back south to his mom's. OK? Follow me here? So I call at 4:50 pee em and leave a message with my child's father asking if I should just take her to his work instead of going home and to please call me and let me know what he would like me to do. I clear my desk, go downstairs and put postage on last batch of mail and head out. I stop by the post office to drop off said mail and head to the day care. A Queen song comes on. I am happy. I get to the day care. Well, everyone working at the day care came on their shifts at 12:30 and none of them have seen Gabi all day. Huh. So the lady in charge calls the director who was there this morning and the director confirms that Gabi's grandfather picked her up this morning. OK fine. Whatever. I get back out to the car and my phone is ringing. It is the child's father. My ears are red just thinking about this conversation. First thing he says is, "I see you called. What did you want?" OK first off, fucker, I left a message. That's what I called about. So I explained that I called at first to ask if he wanted me to drop her off at the bank but now I'm just wondering what happened. Did he express any appreciation for my effort to make HIS LIFE EASIER??? FUUUUCK NO! And he starts in with, "Well I was going to call you, but I've had a busy day." I ask him, very genially mind you, "Oh. Well when did you know he would be picking her up?" He says he knew at 7:20 that morning! But he didn't call because he didn't want to wake me up. WHAT??? What the hell does he know about what time I get up in the morning??? The anger begins to build...... As I start to say that he could've called me he says, "I don't need your bitching and sniping, OK? We've had a rough day and our computers crashed and all the customers are bitchy." OK, hold up. I'm the one bitching??? I arrive to pick up my daughter and SHE'S NOT THERE and now I'm being the bitch? Oh, fuck you mister. I inform him that it would've taken him ten seconds to call and tell me what is going on and he pretty much verbally rolls his eyes at me with an "Oh whatever." Now I'm pissed. I let him know that his shitty day is not an excuse to lay into me for letting him know that I don't appreciate being kept out of the loop. It's like his family is Gabi's only family and I'm this minor annoyance and he doesn't have to have a shred of respect for me or my time. Then he's all "*Sigh* I have to go." And I say, "Oh, but I'm sorry, Dianna. I took my crap day out on you. I shouldn't have sniped at you for absolutely nothing." And he very sarcastically adds, "You're right." And hung up. Now what the fuck. He just gets to be a major ass to me and never has to make amends for it? What's it going to take for him to be a decent human being to me? He's fucking great to everyone else, but a complete ass to me. And no, that's not my paranoia speaking. I've seen him give total strangers more respect in 5 minutes than he's given me the 7 years we've known each other.

OH, and speaking of which, same goes for fucking CK. He is a slimy jerk to me every time I see him, yet expects me to be all sweet n rosy and accepting and cheerful. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for way too long and I'm sick of getting walked all over. Sorry, fuckers I'm all outta nice. Call me a bitch all you want, but you won't be getting any more common courtesy from me. I have been far too kind and understanding to two fuckwads who couldn't care less about understanding a solitary word that escapes my mouth. So fuck you and fuck you.

OK, I'm all fucked out.

And Dear Verizon,

Next time you send me a little "telegram" via Western Union, there better be money inside. Bastards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi di :-)
to me you're T-di ;-)

sorry about the f-day experience :-(
you were sooooo justified in your indignation. glad you got it off your chest!
it will say this is from 'anonymous', but it is really G-di :-D

9:49 p.m. EST

6:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i see why you left him. it's guys like him that make it so damn hard for all the good guys out there (ie: me). women all expect you to be like that so they don't even bother anymore. sad.

12:23 AM

Blogger di said...

Hiya G-Di! =) So good to see you here. Girl, you always make me smile. So sweet, you are.

Jing, please do not worry. It's guys like HIM that make us appreciate guys like you. If a girl has any sense, she will know that not all guys are like fuckwad and will thank her lucky stars for such. My line of thinking is that every girl has to get treated like total shit before she can really appreciate the awesome guys. 'Tis sad but true. If girls really think that all guys are assholes, they're idiots. I know there's some gems out there. ;) Just like there's girls out there that make the rest of us look bad (gold digging ditzy sluts!). Eventually, it all evens out and the assholes are with the sluts and the good guys are with the smart, sane girls. =) Don't lose hope. If I can hang onto it, ANYONE CAN!!!

12:32 AM

Blogger Ciberblade said...

Any knowledge about said child should be communicated right away...Lan-line, Cell-phone, E-Mail, Letter-boy, Sky-writer, Neon-sign...whatever! I am sure he would express the same anger were the situation reversed (and rightfully so) -- Some things just need to be communicated!

Don't listen to me...I'm just a beady eyed robot :eek: ;)

5:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that we weren't already aware that he's a dick-hole... but Di, sweetie, he's not going to change his pattern of behavior. He's an overgrown child, and that's pretty much that.

No, it doesn't make your life any easier. If it's any consolation, (which it isn't, but you're supposed to say this sort of thing) you get to imagine hordes of internet guys coming down to Tejas and kneecapping his punk ass. So there's that.

Keep fighting the man, grrl.


2:52 AM

Blogger Dew said...

Serve his ass right if you'd'a called 911 when they said GM wasn't there. Told the po-pos you thought maybe her Daddy had took her.... Now that right there, that's gonna fuck up yer day, AM: 5-0 rollin' up to the bank wondering if they can arrest you at your desk or haul you by the panties out the front door to cuff you in the street. Resist arrest, motherfucker -- try it!

3:36 PM

Blogger Dew said...

Oh, and p.s., I'd like to know what happened to our epiphany re: CK....

3:38 PM


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