I hope you're not expecting something specific.

July 12, 2005

Amazing Race Rocks My Face

Just in case some of you are not aware, Game Show Network is running every single episode of the Amazing Race ever to exist every night (apparently, except Monday???) at 9 ET/8 CT. I had better get my VCR fired up because I'm going to be recording .....whatever comes on at 8 so Gabs and I can watch TAR. But don't worry.... know why? Because they replay it at 11!!! This is going to be completely emotionally draining and wonderfully exhilarating all at the same time. The first episode alone kinda made me tear up a couple times. Damn that Amazing Soundtrack. It's fun to note the differences: the route markers, the rules, Phil's hair. It will also be fun to go back and read the TWoP recaps! Wheeeeeeeee!!!! I've started reading the first episode's recap (Season 1 started last night) and I have found a wonderful passage in it that I would like to pass on to everyone because I can't stop reading it because it is so awesome:

At this point, Frank busts out a "little quiz" for Margarita. The question? "Who's the boss? Who's the boss?" Margarita rolls her eyes and points out that he wasn't supposed to "start that," which suggests to me that he does this regularly. Nice. She grits her teeth and says, "That would be you, honey." Then she giggles.

Now let me pause here for a moment. I'm no fan of Frank, and I'm not going to defend what he did here, or what he does anywhere else. But you know, she's not earning any points with me either. I hate it when women pull this crap -- telling themselves that it's okay to tell some controlling asshole exactly what he wants to hear, as long as they do it with the gritted teeth or the eye roll or whatever it is that they think indicates that they don't really mean it. You know what, hon? He doesn't care if you mean it. He's proving he can make you say it. He's proving he can make you do what he wants, and the fact that you hate doing it so much actually makes it MORE fun for him, not less. Nobody deserves to be treated like this, but Margarita certainly appears to be a party to her own misery. Tell him to shove it, or don't, but don't cave and try to look tough at the same time. And furthermore, Frank? Tony Danza called and asked that you stop taking the name of his show in vain.

Preach on!!! That is advice that I need like you would not believe. OK, maybe most of you believe it. Man.... something to think about. Real real hard. Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway.......

This is going to be so much fun! I hope I don't get TAR burnout...


Blogger Shane said...

Like I said, too bad you don't have a DVR! And aren't you glad I turned you on to this monster marathon? (Blatantly taking credit where credit's due!)

5:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I take it you would also be against a guy saying "No dear, those pants don't make your hips look big" just because it's what the girl wants to hear ?

8:35 AM

Blogger di said...

Damn straight I'd be against it! I'm a firm believer that if you're going to bother asking a question, then you need to be prepared for an answer, any answer. Not just the one YOU want! If you don't want to know, don't ask. Besides, I'm self-aware enough to know when my hips look big without having to ask anyone else. Also? I'm used to having brutally honest people around me. As long as you're being HONEST and not being MEAN, I say bring it on.

8:50 AM

Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

EXACTLY why I luv's ya, Di.
Well, that and your thoughtfullness in providing a beautifully delivered Tony Danza reference.

God knows we could all use a lil' more Tony in our lives.

12:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe your title rhymes :)

at least i thought it was comment-worthy. simple mind, simple pleasures i guess :)

3:24 PM


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