I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 11, 2005

Dear Alleged Friends of the Co-Parent,

You are all fucking pathetic. Reading this and reporting back like a bunch of idiotic monkeys. You could at least tell him the truth! Which is that I hardly ever talk about him and when I do, it's either in passing or in a fit of fury that he clearly deserved, yet I keep it all in this blog as a written word instead of directing it solely at him. But you. You are a boil on the ass of humanity. Who the fuck do you think you are? Oh yes, you are so smart. Googling, looking it up on my yahoo profile, however you found it. If you thought you would thwart any reconciliations, you have got another thing coming because there isn't a chance in hell that I would reconcile with him. You're safe. Have at him!!! We annoy the fuck out of each other and we will never ever in a million years get back together. If you even bothered to get to know him, you'd know that. So leave me the fuck alone and quit making more trouble not only in my life, but in my daughter's life. Yes, this affects her too. When her parents are constantly at each others' throats it affects her. And YOUR childish behavior is just exacerbating an already volatile situation. We have a hard enough time getting along when things are good. So why don't you get your head out of your ass and look beyond your own personal bubble and realize how your ridiculous actions affect everyone?

Oh, and by the way, ELIZABETH: You shouldn't be checking my blog at work. You should be working.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:05 PM

Blogger Dew said...

Sweet peaches!!! Assclownery galore, apparently, eh? Is there anyone I can help you ruin? Or slap down? Or otherwise "instruct" in proper behaviour and/or Netiquette?

Please? It's been so long since I've been able to school anyone, because as you know all my friends are wonderful and mannerly genteel souls. I need to keep my swinging hand in practice....

10:19 AM


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