I hope you're not expecting something specific.

January 18, 2005

A wee morsel to hold you over

So, I had to record Amazing Race due to the season premier of American Idol. Jessica came over and we had some pizza and watched American Idol, which....awesome! I know a lot of people hate that show and that is A-OK with me, but I enjoy it. Watching people who are completely delusional somehow makes me feel better about myself. Hm. Interesting that.

Well, I decided to go ahead and watch my Race footage tonight since there really is nothing on in the Tuesday night 9 pm time slot. I liked getting to rewind when I couldn't understand THE SCREECHING! That's a lie. Total lie. I liked getting to rewind and relive just how adorable Kris and Jon are. But the ending...my second favorite ending ever! My most favorite, of course, being last season when Chip and Kim (!!!) WON (!!!) in DALLAS!!! It was more fun than you think trying to figure out which routes the teams were taking from Forth Worth and which one was faster on a Friday afternoon. Nerds. All of us. I know. And I don't care. So back to the second best episode....wait...how about the second most SATISFYING ending? Because man...Colin vs. The Ox....that episode was one of the best. I still laugh about that. Anway! So! On to the second most satisfying ending in Amazing Race history! (Or at least my history of Amazing Race...I've only been watching two seasons...Thanks Sass!) Geez, I can't stop quantifying how awesome it was to see Jonathan and Victoria FINALLY Philiminated from my TV set!!! Yaaaaaaay!!!! And their little speech at the end about how much they love each other? Creepy and weird. Maybe I should be glad that those two are permanently off the market. Two enthusiastic thumbs up on that one. Anyway. Satisfying. Very.

Do you guys think I watch too much TV? According to this article that Super Sevi sent to me... it looks like I'm not watching enough. I'd better get to work!!

So I've been home sick the past two days. Suuuuuucks! And of course, the worst part being that I had no voice most of that time. Ever try getting a 5 year old to do what you ask using only charades? Yeah, not so much! But the good news is, I'm feeling much better now and should be able to get to work tomorrow. Whee!

In other news, the co-parent got a new job. Yay!!! And he'll be moving to the same city as the munchkin and me in March. Double Yay!!! And she shall soon be in a new, much closer day care. Which, that can't come too soon. I dropped her off this morning and her class was outside. Yeah, it was 35 degrees outside. That's just.....no. We can't get her moved fast enough. The co-parent keeps asking that I just let him get settled in the new job and then we can talk about it but...I keep telling him all these crappy things they do to motivate him. Get on the ball, dude! You can handle a new job and day care movement at the same time! Not. Difficult. Especially if I'M doing most of the work! Sheesh. Some people.

Relatively short post tonight. My brain's still a little foggy and I'm still coughing a bit, so I think I'll take some cough syrup and go crash. Fun, eh? Don't worry. I know this is just another time that you wish you were me. I can help you cope by writing more in my blog. At a later date, of course. Chow! (Yes, I know it's spelled "ciao" but chow is a cute puppy!)


Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Watching people who are completely delusional somehow makes me feel better about myself.Man, that explains SO much. ^_^

11:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:41 PM


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