I hope you're not expecting something specific.

December 21, 2004

All I want for Christmas is a day off

Good news: I got all my presents wrapped (except for one that Gabi insists on helping me with. Awww!)

Bad news: I still have two very hard people to shop for left to get presents for. Gah. Just make it clear, People! What is it you seek??? And I keep hearing about how this Christmas season, sales are down. Now, are they actually DOWN or are they just not as high as expected? Because if you were at the mall I was at on Saturday, you would beg to differ with that statement.

Good news: I get to sleep in tomorrow! Yay!

Bad news: I'm leaving tomorrow for my parents' house and I haven't packed yet.

More bad news: It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Now this is no big for you up north and for those of you accustomed to frozen precipitation. But I don't HAVE ice radials! Whatever those are. I mean, it's supposed to only accumulate on grassy areas which means that the roads should be fine, but people on the other hand, are stupid. And I'm going north so it'll just get worse as I go. I just have to leave in order to arrive before the sun goes down, so that's about 3 or 4-ish. I know it's positively awful up north what with all the high temps below zero (I simply cannot imagine) plus snow measured in inches and feet. But you Yanks are used to it, right? I hate winter. I guess Texas is the place for me then, since it's only winter for like, 2 and a half months at the most (half of December, January, and February). You northerners like to scoff at our cold weather wimpiness, and that's fine. We'll talk again in July when you're all wimpy because it's 95 degrees, OK? Deal? Deal.

So I had my last day of work this week today. That was nice. Cramming 5 days worth of work into two days. But at 4:55 when my co-worker, who can't seem to verify any information on her own, asks me to verify some more information that she has 100% access to, I got to tell her no. NO! I refrained from, "Well, if it's in the system, why don't you look it up yourself?" I just said, sorry, it's 4:55 and I'm out of the system already. I mean, that bugs. A lot. I discussed this with the maternal figure and we came to the conclusion that she probably does it because if something goes wrong, it's not her fault. It's mine because I verified it. See? That sucks. Good thing I'm so awesome and I hardly ever mess up. I really don't know how to get her to stop asking me for information that she already has, though. And I mean like, 10 times a day. If I rip into her, she will apologize to the point that I'll be sorry I ever said anything. Even if I tell her gently, there will be constant apologies. Gah, another thing that drives me batty. Apologizing incessantly. Just say it once and move on and fix it! And don't apologize for things that aren't your fault! And don't apologize if you really don't mean it! Don't say it just because that's what you think that person wants to hear! Most of you are probably reading this and thinking, "Well, duh!" but seriously, some people just don't get it. In fact, we're probably friends because you get basic things like this. You know. Among other things.

OK, sleepy time. I made Gabi go to bed on time, so I'd be wise to do the same. May your days be merry and bright. And may all your Christmases (north of the Mason Dixon Line, anyway) be white.


Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Drive safe. You of all people should know how people go batshit crazy if they see a snowflake. Best advice is to stay the hell away from anyplace that has milk and/or bread... for some reason, they're always the hardest hit.

Like that 2cm of snow is going to make cows magically stop chewing cud, or yeast will go on strike or something. You can go a day without it, you bastards!

5:42 AM

Blogger Dew said...

Dude. I hear you on the snow thing, but you wanna hear frustrating as hell? Try a teensy weensy *mist* in southern California!!! The huz says, "If someone spits in Pomona, the 405 shuts down in both directions" -- yeah, yeah, check a map, if you must. Mark will know what I mean, as will Face, if he reads this.

It's RAIN, people. Drive a little more slowly, and actually LOOK at the other people driving around you, in case they're camouflaged by the water or whatnot, but GET ON WITH IT. Move along little dogies.... Doggies? You know, the cattle thing. Them. MOVE ON! Gah.

Did I mention there was a hell of a lot of rain here last week, but how infinitesimally small it is in comparison to what-all befell Southeast Asia at virtually the same time? Yeah, seriously, if I hear one more person complain about RAIN, I will go OFF. Ka-BLOOEY!

5:40 PM


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