I hope you're not expecting something specific.

December 03, 2004

Cue the choir and the bright shaft of light

I have a really bad habit of having blinding revelations in some strange places. I thought you were supposed to have them in bed at 3 a.m. or on a train looking out onto a vast landscape. Not in the bathroom. One time in college, I had a blinding revelation while cooking macaroni and cheese. And another time, I had one while looking in the refrigerator. I thought my epiphanies were limited to the kitchen but apparently not. Today's epiphany brought to you by the bathroom sink.

It finally hit me today. I deserve better than what CK has "offered." [DUH! - Peanut Gallery] It's not that he's not good enough for me. I think he really is a good, smart, funny (don't forget pretty!) person when you get down to it and he is capable of treating a woman very well...just not me. Because, as a wise woman clued me in to: he doesn't hate me, but if he really dug me? Something would've happened by now. Yes, "He's Just Not That Into You" has struck again. I mean, seriously, this whole...whatever it is with him...has been going on for over a year. And Lynne is SO RIGHT! (She's used to it) I have done nothing but make excuses for him. Why hasn't he asked me out? He doesn't have a car. How come he doesn't call? He's just playing coy. Well, something (OK, Lynne) tells me that if he wanted to, he'd make something happen. And he doesn't. So he's not. And...I'm totally OK with it, strangely enough.

So much for one-word updates. Then again, this is Friday and I'll probably see him tonight. I won't make any efforts to talk to him, though. Meh. He's not into me. But he's still pretty.

Ooh and I have my office Christmas Party tonight. It's some dinner theater something or other. I'm supposed to dress "Holiday Casual." How about jeans and a velvet blazer-type thingy with a satin bow and a lacy (but not see-through) camisole? I shall look stunning. And the men! THEY WILL WORSHIP! Or something. Maybe if they could just buy me a glass of wine. Yeah, I'd dig that.


Blogger Dew said...

Ok, I am NOT just saying this because you flattered me all over the place in a preceding paragraph, but your Xmas party ensemble sounds LOVELY, and I hope you'll get your picture taken and show us your styley styley fabulousness.
p.s. Just glad the epiphany wasn't on the commode; I hear that's painful.

5:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see the butchery of the english language steamrolls right on... what in God's name is "Holiday Casual?"

But, if you want to really impress the menfolks, you simply have to realize that "Holiday Casual" doesn't specify WHICH holiday. I'm thinking an orange jumpsuit, bunny ears, and a bow & arrow. Maybe some red, white, & blue bunting. Cover as many holidays as you can.

Glad to see you're done with the rootard. He's had "curb" written on his ass for a while now.

- the Otak & Otakette

8:49 PM


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