I hope you're not expecting something specific.

November 10, 2004

Mixed Nuts

OK, listen. I realize that it is a very important development that Yasser Arafat died. I don't want to sound insincere, but....could it not have waited like...five minutes? Just as CSI: NY is showing us how the A-story really happened and resolving the whole thing....CBS cuts in. At 9:55. No other network cut in. I checked. I mean, I realize that CSI is piddly compared to the death of a major world figure. But 1) We knew this was coming. Not exactly breaking news. 2) Five minutes. That's all it would've taken. Anyway. May the Palestinians choose a peaceful leader to succeed him.

Other news: Suspended for two days. Alternative school for 30 days. Charged with theft. What could these high school students have done that was so bad? Took a soda out of an open vending machine. "No Tolerance" rears its ugly head. I certainly hope that the negative press encourages the school district to apply a more suitable punishment. A week's detention and an apology and uh...I don't know...pay for the sodas? Is this hard? Geez!

Friday night! He said "light freeze!" No! Winter! No! I want waaaaaaaarm! I hate hate hate cold weather. I should really move to San Diego. I could wear sandals all year long. Aaaah. And look at palm trees. Nice. Oh yeah...and ocean. Sigh.

Southerngirl called me on it a few days ago! I've been slacking on my reader mail. I guess she should go first then, hmmmm?

Southerngirl1 wrote (in part):

So, I got all excited when I saw that you got your jacket back from CK,
and then the co-parent asked you to go out. But then, you did not go out with
him. I actually was rooting for you (ok, I know I dont even know you, but I
guess I am a hopeless romantic and despite what you had said earlier in a blog
about him, I was wondering if finally he was coming around and wanting to try
something again (any hopes there on his end?) I guess in a way, it would be the
ultimate you didn't say your sorry ever way to get back at him (in my warped
mind, thinking this would be good revenge, but realize there is a child involved
so you have to be careful-the candy haze is starting to kick in now). Anyways,
not to analyze your situation, as I am a lawyer, not a psychologist, but what's
up with his parents? Sounds like they are rooting for you guys also! Do they
realize its over? Are you the only one who realizes its done and over?

Well, just to clarify, I don't think the co-parent was asking me on a date. And no, I really don't think there's any glimmer of a speck of a chance that we'll get back together. As he put it once, "Our relationship is very volatile." We've figured out, for now at least, how to keep it inert. And EVERYONE is happier for it. I believe his mom takes our getting along better as sparks reignited. We've tried to get that thought out of her head, but apparently, you are not the only hopeless romantic. And usually, I am hopeless as well, but I really think that anything between the co-parent and I is purely for the history books. I think he and I are the only ones who truly understand it. Oh, and my family and friends. They really didn't like him when we were going out and I am sure I would be in big trouble with them if we reunited. He was kind of a jerk to me, y'know? And I'm not really interested in revenge. Kharma will find a way to make that happen for me and it will be so much sweeter if I do not intervene.

Stewy (I think I know who you are) wrote:

Damn, your Dad is hard-core. Chew nails and spit them out as bullets
hard-core. I didn't think they still made people like that anymore... (not that
there's a Malaysian sweatshop churning out Dad-clones or anything)

My Dad does indeed rule. He was a Marine in 'Nam. You'd think he'd be some drill sargeant-type, but he's really just about the nicest, most level-headed person you could ever meet. He's also incredibly smart. Either he knows about it already, or he knows exactly where to look to find it. In fact, I'd venture to say that he is the smartest person I know. I am also certain that I could not have built a better Dad if I tried. He is truly the best. Yeah, I'm a Daddy's girl! What of it?

Dallas needs more than a new QB, they need a complete shakeup and a 2
year grace period. Jimmy redux, if you will.

Hey, isn't this the second season? Is the grace period not uppeth? Or is it the third....Either way....I thought we were supposed to "get good" the second year under Parcells? Is Parcells a failure or are the Cowboys just hopeless? It's just a happier week around here when the boys win. We're so getting slaughtered on Monday.

Just FYI: It took CNN.com 47 minutes to email me the breaking news of Yasser Arafat's death. That is, 47 minutes after CBS butted in to break it to us. Is that considered timely? I guess it's more useful when I don't have my TV on.

Oh! Dudes! I got so PEESED at work today. I'll try to keep it relatively short. Basically, there was an accident on my way to work and I got in 25 minutes late. I called before my scheduled arrival time to let everyone know the situation. An email was sent out to the entire office letting them know that I was stuck in traffic. Now. Is there anything I can do about an accident? NO! Were people still checking their watches disapprovingly when I got in? YES! So I put on my time sheet an hour of vacation time to make up for it. At the end of the day, my boss comes up to talk to me about something and as an aside was like, "Good job on putting the hour of vacation on your time sheet for today. [The Big Boss] was starting to question your whereabouts this morning." I was all...did everyone not get the email that I was stuck in traffic? What does it take for someone to "get" that this time, it was genuinely not my fault. When I'm late because I got up late, I take full responsibility. I take my licks, I apologize, and I make up for it. But geez, I come in late because of traffic and the office is all a-twitter. I was like, what about the woman who sends out a calendar notification halfway through the day and says that she's leaving an hour early and working through lunch? Like, every day! And what about like, half the office who stands around and talks for hours while my butt is planted firmly at my desk all day? I eat my lunch every damn day at my desk and continue to take calls even when I answer the phone crunching on Fritos. "Some guy's on line one asking about an address, I'll join you." That means, she hangs up and the dude is on the phone. How about, "Are you still eating? Would you LIKE me to transfer him to your voicemail?" No. Just bam, here he is. And what about the people who leave 10 minutes early to "beat the traffic"? Do they get shit? Of course not. Because at 8:30 am, all anyone is doing is standing around sipping their coffee, bullshitting and they see me come in late and start checking their watches. It doesn't matter that I go straight to my desk and get to work immediately or work through lunch or that I'm the last to leave every day. None of that matters! I was telling my boss all this, and I could feel my face getting hot. I could tell that HE wasn't mad, but he was just letting me know that people are chattering and it's getting back to the Big Boss. I was all, well, consider this a formal complaint about all the complaining. Tell people to mind their own damn business and our department will mind our own business. Geez!

Man, venting feels so good. And this is about a million dollars cheaper than "real" therapy. Hee! Anyway, I got a late phone call about creamed corn, so I have to go to bed now. Toodloo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skimming your blog briefly, since I interrupted you with the phone call, I came across "He was a Marine in 'Nam." Please refer to the discussed country with its proper title. You have offended me and my people...you damn ROUND EYE!

11:11 PM

Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

You have no idea how pissed I was when I didn't get to see Lt. Dan slap the cuffs on Luis -- or whoever the hell really killed those people. Come to think of it you do... What with leading off with the complaints about it.

I've re-thought my opinions on the Boys woes and new shit has come to light, man. The last eight years are just the aftermath of the clusterfuck that was Barry Switzer. We'll get back on our feet soon enough. If Jerry would stop thinking that he's a football coach, we'd get there a lot quicker.
Honestly, We only think we've got it so bad. I mean, ask Cleveland how it feels to win 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. Or ask San Diego how it feels to have a winning season. These aren't the salad days anymore, no, but they're not the end of the world either. Hell, we beat Washington, didn't we?
This year's team obviously isn't the answer. They're not any of the three teams with only 1 win either. Admit it, it's a good feeling knowing that San Fransisco is a really shitty team this year. Now if all that isn't convincing enough, I've got two words: Danny. White.
(That's Texan for "It could be worse.")

12:30 AM


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