I hope you're not expecting something specific.

November 02, 2004

Election Mayhem!


OK, so I'm watching the projections. I find it interesting that they are projecting wins with only 2% of the precincts reporting for some states. Yet, some states LIKE FLORIDA are reporting 32% precincts reporting and no one's touchin it. Some statistics guru is explaining why, but all I hear is something about the differences in voter turnout. OK, maybe I left the room a couple times and made a phone call and reviewed my map. I WANT to listen. I just can't bring myself to listen so intensely.

I love this intense music of bell tolls. Such intensity!

Hey, AOL, I have an idea how to make the internet better! Stop sending me those damn CDs in the mail!

Oh and WOO! GO MAVS!

How exciting is it to literally watch history in the making? We could possibly know the winner by the end of the night. Before we all go to bed! This decision can literally change the course of history. I'm keeping track of the projections on the map in my Time Magazine. So far, one swing state has gone to each candidate. It's 7:58 and I'm already really tired of Exit Polls....


I'm trying to keep up with the projections. So far, everything is still on par with the map in Time. Part of me wants them to hurry up and make more projections! But the other part of me says, let's wait until we have precincts reporting in the double digits, MK?

How many Governors does Vermont have? I could've SWORN they just said that some Democrat that had been Gov for six terms got re-elected. But I thought Howard Dean was the Vermont Governor? And then I SWEAR I just saw that some Republican is projected to have won! Man, and I haven't even been drinking. Maybe I should start.

Gabi drew me a map of the USA. It's way too adorable. I wish I had a scanner so I could show it to you guys. A. Dorable.

Geez, 8:26 and there's still lines outside on the East Coast? That's 2 and a half hours after the polls closed!


8:30-9:00 was a wash, sorry. Gabi was negotiating for 10 more minutes after bed time and I said no and called her father and what did he say? It's OK as long as she's watching election coverage. Man, I am no match for her negotiating skills.

Forgoing "real" coverage for The Daily Show for this hour. 3 minutes into it and already a gem. Ha! NJ turned it's governor gay. Ha! I like how he's already sounding like he's making stuff up and I can't wait for the "Too Close to Call Dancers." Live on Comedy Central. Very brave. Oh man, I have to keep my guffaws to a minimum. The map guy is hilarious. "The rest of the states: dead to me! I mean you, Georgia!" You know, I really thought I wouldn't get any "real" results, but JS broke the Missouri news for me! Hm, but nothing on the web just yet. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Al Sharpton is actually kinda funny, even though I can't stand to actually look at him. He's way too bouncy.


Blogger di said...

Well, I meant to do a play-by-play of the elections but got distracted by...well...the elections. I stayed up until midnight and gave up when it looked inevitable. I'm so glad it was resolved in 36 hours instead of 36 days. Kudos to Senator Kerry for conceding instead of litigating. I seriously hope that we never see another mess like we had in 2000. Hopefully, both sides of this thing can be buddies and pals again. If we work together, we can all have a pony! It's true! I read it on the internet!

7:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how even AOL doesn't realize they're not "the internet."

We can all have a pony...Hehe, you crack me up Di. I'm not sure we'll all be able to get along until everyone drops their enthusiasm for equating every minor little complaint they have with the Third Reich. People tend to get annoyed when they're put on a moral equivalent with the guys that built all those hippie vans.
Maybe if we put sprinkles on the pony - Rainbow sprinkles.

-the Otak

11:47 PM


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