I hope you're not expecting something specific.

November 01, 2004

Is there an election going on or something?

Just one last ditch effort to remind everyone to vote. I know it's tough to remember. It's been brushed to the back of our consciousness in the past few weeks, so I just thought I'd give out one last reminder. You know, unless you already voted. In which case, please disregard this notice. If you haven't voted, please find your voter registration card, double check your polling place, and you know, like, show up. This has become a very divisive election so make your marks extra dark, punch your ballots extra hard, but be gentle if you have touch-screens...they're very delicate. And after a decision is made, let's everyone be happy and get along like the grownups we are! I'm tired of the "If you vote for (presidential candidate), then you are stupid/misguided/have the IQ of a toaster" mentality that goes along with a charged election. The President will be decided and we can all back him the hell up and quit bitching. OK!?! OK. Happy fun times. Yay! America rocks!

This Presidential Bash that SNL is putting on was lame until the Bush/Gore segment. Oh, how I miss Will Ferrell as GWB. Hi. Larious.

I know the Florida jokes are like, totally four years old but this still makes me laugh....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe. God, I still crack up whenever I think about him saying "Lawwwk bawwwwx." Good times... Good times.

11:27 AM

Blogger di said...

I had totally forgotten about the Laaawk Baaaawx. I had to stop and think about what it was for a minute. I have to admit, I still don't quite remember exactly what it was. But A Thousand Points of Light??? Oh yeah, I remember that one like it was yesterday. No one can ever do W the way Will Ferell did it. Comedic genius!

12:00 PM

Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

That's me up there, of course. Blogger's been giving me the runaround all day... even the site itself must be creeped out at how often I'm posting.

The Lawwwk Bawwwx, for those not "in the know," was all Mr. Gore (Darrell Hammond) talked about in the first debate parody that year. Transcript here. It also was the first usage of a great word I use as often as possible: Strategery.

[deadhorse] Remember when SNL was funny? [/deadhorse] Yeah, me too... barely.

1:56 AM


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