I hope you're not expecting something specific.

November 07, 2004

Go Cowboys!!!

OK, I'll admit that I was reading a magazine during most of the Cowboys game. But I occasionally did look up. And it seemed that every time I looked up, one of two things were happening: 1) The Bengals were scoring or 2) Vinny GreenHead was throwing an interception. This is so painful. I'm not sure I even want to watch the rest of the game. "What is going through Bill Parcell's mind right now," the football announcer man asks? I think I have a clue. "All of you m*$&%(f(&%#^s are so f@*$ing fired tomorrow so f%&*ing fast." Yeah, I bet it's going something like that.

In all of my delusional Cowboy fandom, I can only believe that Parcells is just playing a headgame with the rest of the NFL. We play crappy this season, make everyone think that GreenHead is our #1 quarterback and bench him halfway through the season (please!) so Drew Henson can come in and act like a struggling rookie and then.....BAM! Next season we come back blazing! We'll be unstoppable because everyone will think we suck but we're not going to suck! We're going to kick your ass!


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