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November 16, 2004

A day at the Races

I'm wearing this new shirt today. It's this weird color of green that pretty much matches my eyes. Which...kind of weird. I don't know how to really describe it. It's sort of guacamole, olive-ish, medium...you know, I think my parents used to have an El Camino in this color, if that tells you anything. I can't decide if I like it. Looks good with my hair. I shall keep it.

I noticed a guy checkin me out on the freeway yesterday in his side rear-view mirror. Well, I hesitate to call it a "freeway" even though technically, it is "free." But it's tough to call something "free" when you're crawling along at 10 miles per hour because there's some fender-bender COMPLETELY OFF ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD but two police cars are blocking the entire left lane. Huh? I respect the law enforcement community so I respectfully keept the cussing under my breath and inaudible to the fine men in blue as I passed them.

Oh man. AMAZING RACE IS BAAAAAAAAACK! And of course it is awesome and Phil Kheogan is this strange kind of hot. My only problem is that I really need to get past last season. I just need to let it go. I keep yelling, "Whatever Collin!" and "Shut up, Christie!" and commenting that "they'll never be as good as Chip and Kim." I need to move on! Find someone new to love/hate! OK, I already hate that damn yappy "entrepeneur" guy...Jonathan, maybe? Just goes to prove, boys: even if you have a Ferrari, if you're a jerk, we still hate you. I do like that some of the Racers are actually aware that this is a race. What I found amusing were the people who said they didn't like camping. Well, this is certainly the game for you, then. You should try Survivor next time. No camping on that one, either. Anyway, looks to be a good season even though the funniest team got the boot first. And for all of you "reality show" haters, let me say this to you: just like there are good and bad scripted shows, there are also good and bad reality shows. It's not all Fear Factor and Real World, I PROMISE! This show is well-cast, witty, interesting, well-edited and just all-around good watchin'. And it's not like most competition reality where you are required to undermine someone else to further yourself (Survivor, Apprentice, yeah I'm lookin at you, Burnett! Oh wait. This is a Burnett show. Aaaaaanyway......). It's truly all on you and your teammate to plan and work well with each other. Trust me. If we watch the good and ignore the bad, the bad will fizzle and die and the good will just get better. But alas, we like what we like. I'm just asking that you not poo-poo upon a show just because it was not born of a script.

I went over to Jessica's to watch The Amazing Race, but first we went to eat and it was so good and I've never seen such large men drink such large margaritas before. They looked really good, but I feared a hangover at work so I abstained (from the men and the margaritas). And then Gabi called and asked what she should draw. I was like, "....." Apparently, at school, all she wants to do now is draw and paint and color, which I think is super-cool. Because for a five year old? Yeah, I'm pretty impressed. So I told her to draw a pony. I mean...who doesn't like ponies, right? And she says, "Hm. No, I don't want to draw a pony. What about a zebra?" So grown up. I told her that I would absolutely love it if she drew a zebra. My little baby. Lovin the Z as much as her momma. Hee!

And THEN after The Race that is truly Amazing, Jessica was the nicest person ever and burned a CD just for lil ol me! It's awesome and to tell the truth, I don't even really remember what we put on it except for Alien Ant Farm's "Smooth Criminal." But that was kind of the point, I guess. Just to put a bunch of good songs on a CD and not worry too much about what order they're in so I can pop it in any time for some euphonic goodness. Word.

Speaking of words, this one's fun to say: ballyhoo.


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