I hope you're not expecting something specific.

November 11, 2004

Guess who's a really good actor!

You know, one of my very favorite websites, Television Without Pity has a little figure of speech that I love. And by the way, this site is THE place to get your very funny recaps for shows you may or may not have missed. Also good for shows that you may or may not like. Anyway, they like to use the term "anvil" such as, it's raining anvils, the audience was being hit by anvils, the anvils were flying. Things such as this. And what this means is, when there is some underlying theme or supposedly subtle detail that the audience is supposed to figure out themselves, but the writers make it so blindingly obvious so that every viewer can "get it," leaving nothing to the imagination or left up for interpretation. CSI is the worst offender. Wednesday's anvil: the moth on Lost. Tonight's anvil: RAY LIOTTA IS A GOOD ACTOR (ER). The promos are irritating. "Every season, there is one patient, one story that stands above the rest." I wish I had a stopwatch so I could time exactly how much airtime he has. "Touch my face.....please." You know, I bet it would've been a much more powerful if NBC weren't whoring him out. Hype is only cool when the show can live up to it (24!). I guess this really is ER's only shot at getting more than three people to watch. I really wish they would cancel this show before it gets any more sad. Ditto for West Wing! It's over! Let it die! Go back to your drawing boards and come back to us with something we all want! Non-doctor, lawyer, police, or forensics shows! OK, so West Wing isn't really in any of those categories and kudos for being original...but really...time to ride off into the sunset.

OK, my thermostat says that it is 82 degrees in here which is total bullshit because I'm still freezing my butt off.

I love how the other two players in the boardroom on the Apprentice act so sad when their colleague gets fired. They're laughing big, hearty evil laughs on the inside.

Oh look, they start off with Liotta! I need a stopwatch for Christmas. OK, just about the entire first segment was RAY LIOTTA WHO IS A GOOD ACTOR! Is there a chance of any other "guest stars" getting any lines? Any chance of an extra with a speaking part? Maybe they spent all of their budget for talking extras on the big movie star. Hm, starting to look like the whole show is centered around RAY LIOTTA WHO IS A GOOD ACTOR! Man, are they going to kill him off in the first half of the show? I thought surely that such a good actor like Ray Liotta would warrant an entire episode all to himself. Back from commercial and Ray Liotta is such a good actor that he acted himself back from the brink of death! Wow, he really IS good! ER is really good about teaching us lessons about life. Deep, important meanings. Tonight, I learned that ShakyCam adds drama. And that it's OK to dedicate an entire episode to how great RAY LIOTTA is!

In other news: You know, they're having some adult industry awards show in Dallas. Nobody would know about it except for the strippers if it weren't for the damn news talking about it nonstop. Thank the Deity of Your Choice for slow news days, I guess.

Why the HELL is some stupidass car chase the top "breaking" story on the NBC news here in Dallas? WTF? Nobody was hurt, no shots were fired. All that happened is that the guy wouldn't stop and they chased him through four damn cities. Whatever, dudes. Just whatever. Changing to ABC.

Now that's more like it! The top story SHOULD be the veterans who have protected our freedom for the past 228 years.

A check back with NBC: strippers. Geez! Who cares if they're having a convention or if they promised no nudity? As long as they check any visitors' IDs, why are we worried? I don't get it.

Back to ABC: Man, WFAA's 10:00 news was all veterans. Wow. That is impressive. There is a reason this is my favorite spot for local news. I guess no weather tonight. Ah, who cares. It's cold and it ain't gonna rain for a few days. There's your weather. Wear a sweater tomorrow. Oh, how neat! They did a one minute weather snippet at 9:55 and now they're doing a couple minutes at 10:30 before Nightline. Nice, classy way to handle it. Sorry, didn't mean to get mushy on you guys....

This was not my best post. Sorry for the suck. I blame ER. Always bringin me down. Hey, remember when ER was really good? Like...your heart was pounding the whole time and when it was over, it felt like it had been on for 15 minutes? You know, like instead of two hours? And I realize that it's still in the top ten ratings-wise, but I think that's due to a lot of people like me who still watch out of habit.

Oh, checkitout, CBS apologized for pre-empting CSI last night. They're running it tomorrow night for those of us who missed the ending. Gee, thanks! Run it on a night when nobody's home. Way to go, CBS.

Hey, did you guys know that Ray Liotta is a really good actor?


Blogger Dew said...

Girl, pleeeeeeeease. Thank your lucky STARS (no, not those stars, the ones in the heavens) you don't live in Southern California, if you wonder why a slow-speed car chase can possibly make the news. Wanna know why? 'Cause HERE, that same stupidass no-account lame drifting across lanes, onto and offa the freeway, through residential neighborhoods, and off the side of an on-ramp would be on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CHANNEL. For HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS. And THEN it would be recapped on the news. Whew. Ok. I feel better. Thanks. Pax.

9:26 PM


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