I hope you're not expecting something specific.

November 15, 2004

The tortured soul of a Cowboys fan

Cowboys are playing the Eagles tonight. In front of the entire nation. I have been an Eagles lover/hater in the past. Mainly because I kinda like Donovan McNabb. But during the pre-game show tonight, they showed the footage from that game where the Eagles fans were throwing not only ice, but like...BATTERIES at Jimmy Johnson! What a bunch of jerks! And once again, the fans have taught me to hate a team. (Please see: Yankees, Red Wings, Lakers) Now, I realize that Cowboys fans can be a little obnoxious. We didn't get that (Snickers?) commercial for nothin. But you will never see a Cowboys fan throwing things at the other team. You will NEVER see Cowboys fans mis-treat a fan for the other team in Texas Stadium. And on top of the Eagles' obnoxious fans...Terrell Owens. I forgot he plays for them now. Man. You just don't score and then run onto our star to celebrate. That ain't right, dude. He deserved to get sacked. And I seriously doubt that Dallas fans will ever forgive him for that.

Cute Desperate Housewives tie-in at the beginning. I'm not sure how the guys liked it. I'm relatively sure the chicks dug it, though.

I really hope they win. Which is very different than thinking that they will actually win. Sigh. Um. I've never had this feeling before but uh...did you guys see the guns on that ref??? I'm not supposed to like the refs especially when they're calling stuff for Philly, but to tell you the truth, that's all I'm aware of what he said. Like. Wow. Weird! Well, turns out that ref made a very bad call that gave the ball to the Eagles when it should've been Cowboys ball on like, the 20. So now I hate him, I don't care how impressive his guns are.

While I'm waiting for something interesting to happen during the game, I'll share with you my dining experience. We eat at this fantastic little local Tex-Mex restaurant called Angelina's. It's about 2 steps away from my apartment complex, so we eat there aaaaalllll the time. And you know how you can live with something until you really notice it and then it drives you nuts? Like, you hear a song on the radio and it's fine until you realize that it uses the exact same 8 count riff through the entire song and then that's all you hear and it drives you CRAZY??? (Yeah, I'm talkin to you, Usher!) Well, you know, Angelina's plays the "mexican music" as Gabi likes to call it. Like with all the damn accordions and such. And...accordions...not so much. Probably one of the more irritating instruments on God's green earth (second only to Kenny G). Well, I'd have to say that I've figured out the one thing that could make "mexican music" even more irritating: mexican rap. Terrible. Even worse, mexican conversational rap. Like, a man and a woman "conversating" back and forth. Even worse, to hear the bad spanish words bleeped out. Well, that's actually kind of funny because I keep trying to figure out what they're saying and what the bad words might be, but alas, no dice.

Geez, are we just going to punt the ball back and forth the whole game??? I swear, every time I turn around to check on the game....punt....punt....3rd down!....punt. 6:26 left in the 1st quarter.

Oh fabulous. TO scored. Can the guy ever act like he's been in the endzone before? He always has to celebrate like a fargin joik.

I just realized how incredibly weird I am for recapping a football game. I want to be TWOP so bad!

I realize that I'm a Texas girl and I'm supposed to like such things, but why does the McRib look so disgusting as to almost make me gag? I mean just....EW! Dammit! They just scored again. Beginning of second quarter. Man, this is not looking good. This might be the night I go to bed early. OH THANK BILL PARCELLS WE SCORED!!!! That was an AWESOME drive! Child don't even try to tell me it wasn't. Philly kicked it off and we had like, four plays and we were in the end zone. That ROCKS! It's trickery, I tell you. That old Parcells magic. (Yeah, we'll see how much we love him with 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter, hm?) As an aside, it's a really good thing I watch Cowboys games alone because I am a huge spaz. I have a ridiculous "we scored" dance that just isn't fit for the general public. I really think I'm going to injure myself one of these days in the midst of the we-scored dance.

I really hate Terrell Owens. HATE! Oh this is starting to get sad. 28-7. And it's only the second quarter. *sob* See, now this is starting not to be a case against GreenHead. It's starting to look bad for our defense, but the REAL problem is that McNabb is just amazing. I hate that I like him, but he's actually quite good.

Oh thank heavens. At least we're scoring OCCASIONALLY. My we-scored dance is quickly turning into heavy sighs of relief.

OMG that McNabb boy. He is amazing. I cannot believe this guy! A fourteen second play. A sixty yard pass. That is indeed impressive considering that most plays last about 4 or 5 seconds. Hm, no wonder these games take so damn long.

I think we all know how this game is going to end. It's going to be very sad for us loyal Cowboys fans. It shall be a dreary day tomorrow, indeed. Man, I think I'm going to give up this sad task. I'm not a giver-upper, but NOT looking good for the boys at this point! Eagles are about to score their 4th TD in a quarter. First time in the history of the franchise that the Cowboys have allowed this to happen. I refuse to believe that this is the WORST Cowboys team ever. Worst quarter ever? Quite possibly. Sigh. Sad face.

Well, at least one thing to brighten my night. Mm mm mm those Barber twins they are FINE! And there's like... two of them! Nice.

Methinks I'll go watch my CSI tapes. It's gross and disturbing, but at least there's justice at the end.


Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Philly is famous for being the cty that booed Santa Claus... so yeah, there is quite often a large jerk contingent in the stands. As for Terrel Owens, he can take his Sharpie and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
Another thing - Hasn't Dallas learned their lesson about fucking up kick returns yet? Do we need to get Leon Lett on the phone or something? Good Lord, don't touch the damn ball when they're all in your face like that!

Final Score: 49-21. Our defense had more holes than a Voltron plot, but at least we managed to put 21 on the board. Bring on the college basketball season to salvage something from this godawful year in sports.

9:03 AM


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