I hope you're not expecting something specific.

January 07, 2005

Everyone else thought it was funny

So Jessica says I'm bad at being aloof with CK. Well, that's not entirely true because I have a new boyfriend (he doesn't know it yet...the new boyfriend, that is), so CK is now inconsequential. Maybe he knows this and that's why he came over to talk to me tonight. It ended quite abruptly with this exchange:

Me: Hey, would it be possible for you to check out my computer again?
CK: What's it doing?
Me: I have no memory, it seems.
CK: Like....no memory on what?
Me: My computer! I can't download anything!
CK: You mean porn? (he turns to Chief) Man, you would not believe all of the porn I pulled off this girl's computer the last time I worked on it!
Me: (Open mouthed surprise...for...no really, I do not check out porn on the internet for various reasons)
CK: And gay porn at that!
Me: Oh. Well, I guess that explains my attraction to you.
CK: (Sets his empty glass down on the bar) I'm really not fixin it now.

Oooooh damn! He's not really mad is he? Now, come on! Who would've passed on that golden opportunity? He TOTALLY opened that door wide open! He continued to kind of mess with me from afar, but I still have to wonder...did I really piss him off? I DID kind of promise him that I would make no more gay jokes a few months ago. I tried to apologize as I was leaving, but he did not seem to be having any of that. I don't know if he was playing around or what, but still.....HEE!


Blogger Dew said...

You could have rehabilitated his wittwe bitty huwted feewings by telling everyone at the bar that you've shagged each other senseless repeatedly.... Wait. That wouldn't really constitute playing it cool, would it?

10:48 PM


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