I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 29, 2004

Wednesday Night Viewing

You know the rules. If you don't want to know, don't read.

Dudes. DUDES! Lost is sooooo freakin good! I can't believe she....and then that guy was all....and then it turns out that it's a......If you haven't been watching, they're re-airing the first 2 episodes (billed as part one and two of the pilot) on Saturday beginning whenever your prime time begins (7 pm CDT). WATCH IT! Seriously.

As for the Apprentice, well, I sure am glad that I decided to hate Jen C last week. Man, is she annoying or WHAT? Lil Stacy is starting to get on my nerves, too. I might still be a little bitter over last week and the completely unjustified ouster of Stacie J. I still like Maria even though she can be snooty and a little condescending, but dammit I love how she dresses! She always looks stunning and somehow, that commands respect. That sounds really shallow, but it's not. It's not just about how she looks. I think maybe my favorite is Jen M. She was not afraid to get away from the herd of sheep and say what they REALLY did to Stacie. And kudos to Kevin and Raj for pointing out to those girls that they were in no position to assume Stacie's mental state going off of one incident (that was a little weird, but not frightening or indicative of mental illness). It was especially amusing when Raj (I think) seriously asked the girls if anyone had any experience in the psychological field. The look on everyone's face was all...."Uh......" That was awesome. One point for Raj. As someone who has been accused of being clinically insane, I appreciate those points being made. I think I like all of Mosaic. They work well together as has been proven by their three consecutive wins. Is it because they're men? I don't think so. I also don't think the girls are catty. I hate that word. It's like saying only women are capable of that characteristic. And even worse, it's saying that that's how women treat women. I just hate that word. If they're being a jerk, just say they're being a jerk. Why does it have to be a gender issue? These are people who just don't generally get along with each other and not because they all have the same private parts. Jen C said that rude shit about the "Jewish ladies" because she is an insensitive jerk, not because she's a woman. Stacy took offense to that because she is Jewish, not because she's a woman.

I feel bad for Elizabeth and truly sympathize with her and I think I would've reacted the same way in her situation. The problem is, it was an entirely inappropriate reaction. I would never make it in the corporate world. I am too sensitive. Working in government, I have laws and regulations to back me up if I need them. Laws and regulations put that were into place for the good of the general public. Corporate America has rules and regulations put in place for the good of Corporate America which may or may not be good for the general public. I like to say that I am not a Democrat or a Republican, I'm a Capitalist. But I am not a salesperson. I can't sell ANYTHING! My services have already been paid for through my "customers" property taxes and those little 911 charges on phone bills (911 doesn't run itself, you know!). So basically, I feel bad for Elizabeth and she seems like a sweet girl, but maybe this isn't for her? High pressure situations aren't for all of us.

As for CSI NY, I like the rat guy. He talks too much. I know the feeling. And you know? When I watch this CSI, I don't feel like I'm watching CSI. It's so dirty and gritty and dark, but not utterly depressing like NYPD Blue or ER as of late. CSI (the original) tends to be a shade brighter (as bright as murder can be) and slightly campy at times. There was one nice zing in this episode but I won't ruin that for anyone. I'll ruin The Apprentice, but not CSI. Right.

Hm, as I watch the news, a thought springs to mind: WHY WOULD YOU GO TO AN OB/GYN IN A STORAGE FACILITY???? OF COURSE HE'S NOT A DOCTOR!!! Those women are stupid, but even moreso, he's a creep and I hope he gets very violated in prison.

And in weather, cold front on the way and I WANT MY FARKING JACKET BACK!!! If I see him this weekend, I'm going the sugary sweet route and may try buying him a drink from afar. That usually warrants at least an acknowledgement of existence, hm? Let's hope. Because I think I feel PMS coming on and it will not be pretty if he just drinks the thing without even saying thank you. But I don't think he'll do that. This will be a test of my faith in him as a decent human being.

Oh my IAN I just don't CARE where Martha Stewart is going to prison! I just DON'T CARE!

Uh, and in sports, the Expos are moving to Washington. There's some talk of naming the team the Senators again. It might be a quasi-problem since the Texas Rangers somehow still "own" the name since they moved the franchise from Washington to Texas in 1972. I think it'd be cool to just think up a new name (as long as it's not the Bobcats). I'd be super-impressed if they went with "The Washington Congressmen." Geddit? Like...senators....but instead of a hundred, there's four hundred and fiftysomethingorothericantexactlyrememberrightnowandidon'thaveto. Or maybe the PRESIDENTS! That would be cool.

OMG Bill Cosby on Jay Leno! I *heart* Bill Cosby. He is positively amazing. He is funny as hell and he is not afraid of saying things that no one else can say. He was the first comedian that ever got me to laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. And I also find The Cosby Show even more hilarious as an adult than I ever did as a kid. A show from 20 years ago is still relevant and still hilarious (yes, I looked it up and it debuted in 1984 which further backs my theory that 1984 was positively the most amazing year as far as pop culture goes). He is the best storyteller ever. ObeeKaybee.

I have now been writing this thing for 2 hours and 7 minutes. I was supposed to be reading TWoP, but alas, I slack. Tomorrow, I shall conqure the remainder of The Apprentice recap, the CSI recap, and the ER recap. Do you guys think I watch too much TV? Don't answer that. Just....don't.


Blogger Stewed Hamm said...


Of course, that's not an easy number to work into promotional deals, so I doubt it would fly. I did see that there's a relatively strong sentiment to name them the Grays, which was the name of the DC team in the Negro Leagues.
The more I think about "The Grays," the more I like it. It's got history, it's colorful (more or less), and it's not another fucking "scary animal" team. Scary animals are only allowed if they're A) the Jabberwockys or B) the Gerrymanders.

Actually, Gerrymanders would work for DC. Hmmm...

1:24 PM


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