I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 23, 2004

Tonight, tonight, I watch too much TV

You know, one of the drawbacks of having small children is that, as long as they are conscious and in your presence, you don't really get any thoughts to yourself. Or maybe that's just my child. She talks CONSTANTLY! When we watch TV together, she insists on commenting on everything. You guys are gonna laugh, but seriously, she got it from her dad. Yes, I talk a lot, but I have NOTHING on him. He can literally go for hours without caring for any input from anyone else. Anyway, back to the rugrat. So we're driving home tonight and we're talking about cheerleaders because, well she wants to be one (Lord help us all). So I ask her if she knows why cheerleaders go to football games. She finally comes up with "To bring happiness to America." So that was cute. And then in her infinite randomness asks me something along the lines of "There has to be one person at the football stadium, right?" Huh? "Well, someone has to be first, right?" Yes, darling someone has to be first and then the stadium fills up. "Fills up? With what?" Well, what do you think it should fill up with? "Teddy bears. And ROBOTS!"

On a completely unrelated note.....Hey Survivor contestants!! Guess what! This isn't "Spend 39 days at the Ritz!" It's SURVIVOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!! This is right up there with reminding Colin and Christie and those damn Twinkies that they signed up for a freakin race!

Warning! Survivor and Apprentice spoilers ahead! If you haven't seen tonight's episodes and you don't want it ruined, then this is where you bail out.

I'm getting damn tired of Scout or whoever calling all of the young girls "sorority girls" and "bowheads." So not only are we separated by the sexes, now we have to be separated by age. You're on the same freaking team! Find a way to get along! Leave the hate on the boat, yo. That and yes, I have a problem with the negative connotation that is relentlessly associated with being in a sorority. I was in a sorority and I'm cool as all get out. If you haven't been in one, you don't get to say why we do what we do or even pretend like you know what we do because you don't. Go be angry about having to eat bugs or something. Also, I absolutely love how the women keep winning and the guys keep steaming about getting beat "by a bunch of women." Get the hell over it, you overgrown peacocks, GEEZ! And this just in....Brady is still SMOKIN!

Uh, did Sarge just yell "Suck my dick" after they guys won immunity??? If he did then he is incredibly out of line and a nasty, juvenile jerk. I hope he didn't say that because I was starting to like him. And I'm glad Dolly got the boot. I thought (I could be wrong) that Leeann was the one hunting the chicken and, oh I don't know, being generally useful? Why was she even on the chopping block at all? Oh well. I don't think anyone should be named Dolly except buxom singers/actresses and cloned sheep. And in certain situations, actual dolls. She was a schemer anyway. I know you have to do it on some level, but sheesh she kinda went overboard, don't you think?

OK, now to the Apprentice. I'm actually recording CSI while I watch the Apprentice! Can you believe it? I'm actually using my VCR! I can't wait to see what "rules" in the boardroom are broken. The only "rule" I can think of is maybe Trump fires two people instead of one?

OK, I've changed who I like. I don't like Jennifer C any more mainly because of her bragging last week about getting the information from the guys' team and basically stealing their idea. I still like Maria just because she seems like the one everyone goes to to talk out their problems and she also seems really open and possibly is emerging as a sort of leader among the ladies even though she has yet to be PM. Not really sure about her pink sparkle tube top, though. I also don't think that Stacie is a fraction of crazy that all those ladies think she is. Among the guys, I'm starting to like Kevin and I'm not quite AS irritated with Raj as I was the first episode. And John? Still hot.

I love the TRUMPets when the Donald enters. So lame. So funny.

OK, now to the boardroom....what rule is to be broken? I think Elizabeth and Maria are toast. I'll miss you Maria! I'm glad I didn't have a chance to hate you! Please note: Stacie J did NOTHING wrong! They are seriously picking on her. Because she picked up an 8-ball? Huh? How does that make you crazy? So maybe she's a little eccentric, that doesn't mean she's schizophrenic (which Elizabeth seems to seriously believe). Ivana was SCARED? Had to hide in a CORNER? She was shaking a fucking eight ball! And I think it's horribly unfair that Stacie had to be fired in front of everyone. Those girls (and I say girls instead of ladies because they were acting horribly catty) made up stories and ganged up on the poor girl. Whatever. Hope they're happy now. But I'm a little glad Maria didn't get booted. I think she has potential.

And in response to Special Agent OC Idol's comment, yes I have met sorority girls from OU. There are no more bitches, sluts, and snobs in sororities than there are in any other group. It's a slice of society more than you think. Like I said, if you weren't in one, don't talk because you just don't know. Just because you knew a few girls that were in one does not mean you know.


Blogger Shane said...

Scout was the one that called them "bowheads". And she's from Oklahoma. And if you haven't ever met a sorority girl from OU, then you wouldn't know how they defy and surpass even the worst "sorority girl" stereotype. All that aside, you're right. They need to come together and git-r-done.

And wow, you're updating this thing even as I comment. Such dedication!

6:08 PM

Blogger Shane said...

I freely admit, I was never in a sorority. I also admit that I was never a homeless African American man, a Ku Klux Klan member, a castmate on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy or ever affiliated with the Nazi party. However, that certainly doesn't mean that one doesn't get a certain feeling in their gut when one of the above is seen or mentioned. I try and tend not to generalize but, alas, I'm only human. Whether caused by society, your parents, the media or members of the above affiliations themselves, stereotypes do exist. In some cases, they are accurate; others, simply perpetuated. It's not right and it's not wrong. It's just to be accepted and dealt with however you see fit.

All in all, it comes down to statistics. Not the kind you read in the little pie chart in USA Today, but good old college prep mathematics. I base my views on life on what I've seen and experienced. Yes, I've known quite a few women who were members of a sorority. You were a member of a sorority. Does that mean I think you are a bitch/slut/snob? No. Your "population" on which to base your views is admittedly larger than mine but does that make it any more accurate?

The key is having the ability to keep an open mind and draw your own conclusions which most people don't have the capacity to do. (Is that another stereotype?) I am ignorant of many things. That doesn't mean I'm unintelligent. If I were, why would I care so much and expend so much effort to explain my thought process to an unmarried, blonde, single mother of an hispanic child who live in Texas? I love you Di and you know that. Don't take anything I've said as hateful or bigoted. Just trying to share another point of view.

8:53 PM

Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Teddy Bears and Robots. I laughed so hard, I had to stop and catch my breath.

Gabi rocks on so many different levels.

11:58 PM


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