I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 15, 2004

Oh Canada!

Do you ever just want to hug someone through the phone? I just got a call from this man that I could just stay on the phone with ALL DAY! He was from Ontario, but he lives here and he was just the nicest, most adorable thing there ever was. The number for his address that I gave him was 9530 and he comes back with "My age and your age!" He's really 59, but just too precious. My cheeks hurt from smiling. I'll have perma-grin all day now. At least until the next asshole calls. I don't understand why people can't get that if you charm me without kissing my ass, you will get whatever the hell you want. If you are an ass, I will throw every obstacle I can at you and probably threaten to have some sort of charges filed or warrant issued. I can't really, but damn it sounds good.

So to sum up, I love Canadians and I love Canadia. They are just the nicest people ever who, oddly enough, brought us the glorious and often bloody sport of hockey. They also love to have tea.

In related news, the NHL sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a few of those funny coins with the birds on them. I'll buy you some tea if I have enough doe-lars.

7:45 PM

Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Di sez:
The NHL sucks.

I sez:
For fuck's sake... Just when they were getting some recognition (outside of hockey cities, anyway) that cockgobbler Bettman has to go and show us how badass he is.
Didn't we go through this shit 10 years ago? Baseball still hasn't fully recovered from the crap they pulled on us.

3:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I'm sure many of them do drink tea, Canadians are more known for drinking beer and Tim Horton's coffee - sometimes at the same sitting. Although hockey is often connected with Canada, let's not forget the other very important sports contribution made by Canada....curling.

Dubyajay - OUT !

5:41 AM

Blogger Shane said...

Canadian coins with birds on them??? That's just Loonie.

8:36 AM

Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Or go one better and score a Canadian 5 - fully Spockified?

2:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok folks...while Di...I luv your post bout Canada...and it is true...us Canadians are well loved and have been known to make people smile with our oddball sense of humour. For the record, we don't drink beer and Timmie's coffee at the same time...it's beer first then coffee..duh
Chic in an igloo =P

6:50 AM

Blogger di said...

Ha! Well, Chic in an Igloo, you got me on that one. I sit corrected. Beer first. Right. (Did you guys see all of her superfluous Canadian U's??? That was AWESOME!)

6:54 AM


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