I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 02, 2004

Good Times

I was perusing the other blogs and stumbled upon this little gem. It will warm your cold dead heart. Make sure you check out the guest map. Super rad. Oh, and I found this joke on it:

Car Problem

One day, a mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, chemical engineer,
and computer engineer were driving down the street in the same car when it broke

The mechanical engineer said, "I think a rod broke."

The chemical engineer said, "The way it sputtered at the end, I think
it's not getting enough gas."

The electrical engineer said, "I think there was a spark and
something's wrong with the electrical system."

All three turned to the computer engineer and said, "What do you

The computer engineer said, "I think we should all get out and then get
back in."

I hadn't heard that one before. Ha! Then again, I'm quite easily amused.

Hey, look, reader mail!

southerngirl1 writes:

Ok, I have been out of the loop for a while and trying to catch
up...now I see something about a Brad. I am so confused!! All I can tell is it
seems like from the previous post something set you off. I guess I need to catch
up after two weeks.

Brad is my friend who is allegedly in love with me. When I started "seeing" Captain Kangaroo, man was he PISSED! And then I'm all, look dude, you do NOT own me. Then he was all, yeah I know, I'm just being a doof. That whole group of people has got some serious territorial issues. I mean, yes I have issues (hence the address to my blog), but I don't go around claiming every guy I've ever liked as mine mine mine and if you like him, then we're not friends! Most of my issues involve things like: rejecting pork yet welcoming bacon; never allowing pink, red, and orange to touch (Ever! I don't care if it's a "rainbow"); never eating any dessert made from a vegetable (it's just wrong). These are issues that I never expect anyone else to understand mainly because they do NOT CONCERN OR AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE! But when you start getting pissed off because some girl that you never even went out with goes out with someone else? Come on. I know it's not easy, but it's something we all get to go through and deal with. I mean, sure I act like I'm allergic to shredded lettuce, but that doesn't mean that I can't be happy for TOIL when he gets a girlfriend.* Right? Well, sort of. But I certainly won't harass him about it. Sexually harass, maybe. Oh, by the way, TOIL doesn't work at my bar any more. He transferred because the girl he is seeing is a waitress at our bar. I'm all....SO??? There's no rule against that! What about ME?? Your future wife? Sigh. Oh well. At least she's cute and sweet. I never had a chance anyway. I hear that existing is usually a prerequisite for mating. That's just a rumor (rumour for all the Canadians out there), though.

OK, here's another gem of a blog. Foxy Librarian. I don't care if she's foxy or not, but I find her amusing. I also find that I have to look up some words she uses. This is a good thing. She's a pretty good writer, too. Apprently, lots of characters frequent the library.

*Upon the post-writing read-through, I realize that this sentence makes zero sense. I also realize that it makes me laugh even more BECAUSE it makes no sense. I am the master of the non sequitur segue.


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