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August 17, 2004

I watch too much TV

I want to write a recap of The Amazing Race, but all it's going to be is "Shut up Mirna! Shut! Up!" Oh yes! An alliance led by Colin and Christie! Mirna's so incensed about people RACING! It's A RACE! Shut up with your fake accents! Violent? Maniacs? Geez and now they're getting on the plane before anyone else, which means that someone less deserving will probably be Philiminated. Oh ha ha on you Mirna! Everyone's on the same plane! Your fake accents will not get you any further! Shut UP! I hate to admit this, but Colin and Christie are starting to grow on me. They play really well, but Chip and Kim are sentimental favorites. They RULE. They're just so....NICE! And LIKEABLE! And...COOL! Like I really want to have a beer with them.

Just a little something I'd like to say to Brandon: God does not care if you win some stupid race on TV. He's got all those diseases and suffering and atrocities to deal with. I know that you've been taught that God truly cares about all of your little quandries. But a race? On TV? That's like asking God to help me pick out the right toenail polish. Or, if it be Your will, let me get a recording contract. Or, Dear God: May I please have a boyfriend now? So trivial. How about if you make the trivial things happen yourself and ask God for the big stuff? Like a haircut. At least he's sweet and respectful to his girlfriend (Brandon. Not....God). Just cut out all the "baby" stuff. Sheesh.

Colin and Christie are getting intense over an ostritch egg. Haaaahahaha. Geez, one ostrich egg is equal to 2 dozen regular chicken eggs. I can barely eat a 3 egg omelet, I can understand why Colin is "being a baby." But the people I really feel sorry for are the other people trying to complete this task with Colin and his spew bucket at the same table. Colin has a sensitive gag reflex and I'm a sympathetic puker. We'd never make it. And kudos to Chip for being the "Michael Jordan" of eggs as well as caviar.

OK, I'm so not recapping this episode. Can you tell? I can tell because I didn't give away who got Philiminated. Neener neener. Sort of.


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