I hope you're not expecting something specific.

July 26, 2004

Please Refrain From Being an Assclown. Thanks.

All in all the birthday weekend was good, save for one small blemish.  Friday night, TOFDU, I guess, didn't think he had to talk to me even though everyone else had.  It's not like I was being aloof or anything (am I even capable of aloof?).  So as his little group was leaving, everyone passed by saying "bye" and he just walked on past.  RUDE!  So this is how the text messaging went after he left the premises:

Me:  So rude
TOFDU:  care???
Me:  I do.  You don't.
Me:  I thought we were friends.  I guess I was wrong.
TOFDU:  Yes u r

Jerkface.  I am so done with him.  It's a good thing TOIL is single and I can focus my attentions on him because I am not dealing with TOFDU at all until I get one hell of an apology.  And he is not the kind to apologize, so I guess he'll just have to go on permanent hiatus.  That's a TV euphemism for CANCELLED!  That's right!  He's been Whoopi'd!  He's been Life with Bonnie'd!  He's been CSI Miami'd!  Oh wait.  That last one's just a fantasy of mine.  Oops. 

I don't know if I've mentioned this in my blog before, but every time I think I'm getting over TOFDU, that damn Men at Work song pops up.  So far, I have heard that song 6 times since that fateful text message exchange.  GAH!  Why??!!!  I'm trying not to think about him and the one song that reminds me of him and only him just won't go away!  I heard it on the radio going home that night (which super-sucked), then on VH1 the next day (I love the 80's Strikes Back) and then it popped up on my LaunchCast in my Yahoo messenger and the other 3 times have been on the radio with 2 of those times being within 10 minutes of each other (different stations, of course).   I mean, I don't want to see him, but I'll be back at el barro this weekend anyway.  In part to see TOIL and in part to be a pissy brat and ignore TOFDU to the ends of the earth.  I know, annoying and juvenile, but if you let me be mad about it for like, a week, I'll totally be over it, I swear. 

Warm Regards
(ew creepy)


Blogger Dew said...

I'll believe it when I see it; you'd BETTER ignore his rude, detestable, far-too-high-and-mighty-considering-all-we-know-about-him stupid ass, sister. Or I'll know it, and will taunt you without mercy.

9:22 PM


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