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July 15, 2004

Emmy nods. It's the shortest sentence of the week!

I can't believe it's already time for another Hollywood self-congratulatory set of awards!  I mock them, but I love TV, so you know I watch the stupid show and root for my favorites.  Some of my thoughts (yes I have them occasionally):
Lead actor in a comedy series - Five very deserving men in this category.  Larry David, Tony Shalhoub, Kelsey Grammer, Matt LeBlanc.  But we all know it's going to John Ritter, so the other four might as well not bother showing up.  Just stay at home in your underwear because nostalgia wins every time.  Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but it's just too predictable.  I'm secretly rooting for Tony Shalhoub, though.
Lead actress in a comedy series - I love Bonnie Hunt in general, but her show never really caught on with me.  Even with the hot husband from One Life to Live.  But Jane K from Malcom in the Middle never fails to keep me belly laughing every time she is on screen.  Not to mention (but I will anyway) the fact that her character reinforces me when I start to think that I can't be completely nuts and a good mom at the same time.
Supporting actor in a comedy series - I love Sean Hayes, but to tell you the truth, I hope nothing from Will & Grace wins.  Rant on that later.
Supporting actress in a comedy series - Once again, love Megan Mullaly.....when she's not on Will & Grace.  And is it really fair to have ALL THREE supporting actresses from Sex & the City?  I mean, maybe the Emmies aren't about being "fair," but come on!  I say Doris Roberts AGAIN all the way!
Guest actor in a....oh who am I kidding?  No one cares.
Outstanding comedy series - Two of these were on HBO, so I've never seen them.  Arrested Development has always been pretty funny in a sick way.  Everybody Loves Raymond has already won like, 27 times.  Will & Grace....so not funny any more.  It's more like the Jack & Karen show with more drama than comedy and more gay jokes than anyone can really take.  All four characters are totally over the top and not believable.  Why.....why would I watch it if it's so appalling?  Three words:  Harry.  Connick.  Junior.  Yum.  OK, that was 4.  I hope Scrubs wins.  WHERE THE HELL IS SCRUBS???  I challenge any Will & Grace lovers to watch W/G back to back with Scrubs.  I have had this experience numerous times.  I find myself giving little chuckles to W/G and then watching Scrubs and laughing so hard that I have to make myself stop because I don't want to miss the next joke.  It is smart and sarcastic and completely goofy all at the same time.  Zach Braff and John C McGinley deserved their own Emmy nods, but the whole show is excellent.  One of those rare instances where the critics love it, the fans love it, but Hollywood pretends like it doesn't exist.  What the....????  This is one of the rare comedies that makes me laugh every single time and I would totally buy the box set DVD for it. 
Lead actor in a drama series - The Sopranos is on HBO so I have no opinion.  I stopped watching The Practice about 12 years ago (after the black lady was hurt in the explosion in the office from an exploding tape).   I stopped watching the West Wing mainly because it was up against some other show...probably American Idol.  Man, did Sevi give me crap for that one.  I just started watching Without A Trace in summer reruns.  I must say, Anthony Lapaglia is excellent.  But he is no Jack Bauer.  The Keif needs to win one here, people.  I absolutely LOVE 24.  OK, so maybe the love has spilled over into what some might call an "obsession," but Jack...er....Keifer completely deserves it.  I don't even watch it thinking about that guy from Young Guns.  He is Keifer when he's laid back on Jay Leno.  He is Jack Bauer when he's dressed in Kevlar, being tortured, asking "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR???" and kicking some terrorist/assassin/double agent ass!!
Leading actress in a drama - I'm going to have to go for Amber Tamblyn from Joan of Arcadia on this one.  Much like Keif, I forget that I'm watching Emily Quartermaine and I am drawn into the show and really feel for Miss Girardi.  Amber has always been an excellent actress and she deserves some sort of award-type notoriety.  Or whatever.
Supporting actor in a drama - I'm having a hard time caring.  John Spencer from the West Wing, I suppose.  But I bet Steve Buscemi wins it since he's a movie type person.
Supporting actress in a drama - I love Janel Moloney from the West Wing.  She reminds me of me.  Except skinny.
Drama series - Hm, mostly the same field as last year except for last year's winner, The Shield got the boot for Joan of Arcadia.  That's a good thing since 24 usually loses out to The Shield.  Of course, The Sopranos will win because they always do, but it's nice to dream.   This is usually the last drawn out award of the show, so let me save you the "suspense" and "drama."  Sopranos wins again.  I swear, they must have someone at that accounting firm on the payroll.
Miniseries or Movie - Hm, look how much I don't care!  Angels in America wins everything!  Yay!  Let's go home.
Reality Program - Now, this is different from COMPETITION reality programming.  Oh, and they also have some "non fiction" category, too.  Whatever, academy.  Just whatever.  Hm, OK, let's take a look at the nominees.  I've only seen two of them (Queer Eye and Extreme Makeover:  Home Edition).  I really do enjoy EM.  It always seems like they're doing something truly good and not just to be self-aggrandizing (like some certain award shows we know).  But I honestly hope that Penn & Teller win just so we can watch someone (the censors or, as I like to call them, "the boob brigade") squirm when the title is read.  Muwahahaha!
Reality/Competition Program - Now this is a category I can sink my teeth into.  I watched, with vigor, all five nominees.  The Amazing Race was completely deserving of the win last year.  Very well put-together, interesting contestants, fascinating concept.  The only thing that can keep it from winning is Survivor.  The original game show drama.  Live in the wild!  Vote your friends off!  Fall face first into fires!  Form alliances with people you hate!  Get bitten by sharks!  All good fun.  I personally think Survivor should win just because it doesn't ever seem to get worse.  It's always good.  It shows what happens when people stop being nice and start getting desperate for food, shelter, and occasionally, Colby Donaldson.  I loved the Apprentice, but it should not win.  They still need a few more seasons to fine tune their production and think of some tasks just a hair more challenging.  Not that I would've been any good at a single one of those challenges, but I'm not on the show, AM I?  I love American Idol regardless of the fact that it is geared towards people half my age.  I love to sing and I love knowing that I could beat most of these people in a head to head karaoke show-down.  Gabi helps me decide on who to vote for and I get entirely too involved and passionate about it, but when it's over, I'm over it.  Until it comes on again, that is.  Last Comic Standing....what to say?  I loved it last year even though Ralphie May was totally robbed.  I'm assuming that this nomination is from last season, as it should be.  Last season, I saw one of the best cast of characters on a reality show, I think, EVER.  Everyone was fun to watch and everyone was great in their off-stage antics (oh that darn rat!).  It was raw and untouched.  This year, everyone kinda knows what's going on and what will happen and blah blah blah.  It's never as good the second time around is it?  Except for 24.  Damn, Season 2 was the bomb.  OMG I totally slay myself.  HAHAHAHA  (If you watched 24, you'd get it!). 
I have to go now.  I'm only amusing myself at this point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A.) You deserve abundant crap for watching I-Dull over West Wing.

B.) Good call on Janel.

C.) "Emmy Nods" is only a sentence if they're giving away bobblehead statuettes this year. In this case, "nods" is a noun, rendering your "sentence" nothing more than a fragment.

D.) Mmmmmm....Janel.

6:07 PM


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