I hope you're not expecting something specific.

July 02, 2004

A little note on courtesy

OK, here's the deal. I thought this was common sense, but apparently many are clueless. Today, I was rolling along the freeway at about 12 mph. I let this huge white suburban onto the freeway in front of me. And miss "Navy Wife" proceeded to clean her windshield no less than 8 times. EIGHT! What do I care if she cleans her windshield? Because she's "cleaning" mine, too! After you've been driving behind a big fat dirty semi for 30 minutes, your windshield collects some dust. And when you get those little specks of water on your windshield, it just smears and makes a big old mess. I mean, how rude! And I can't clean mine without gettting the guy behind me! She's got to see me behind her with my windshield wipers on. Has she not ever had this happen to her? It just blows my mind that people don't think they're getting other cars when they clean their windshields. And EIGHT TIMES??? Is that really NECESSARY? So here's my point: If your windshield is dirty, clean it before you go. Or maybe, if it's not windy, at a stoplight. Just like everyone else doesn't want to hear your music, everyone else doesn't want you to clean their windshields. Are we clear? Oh man, it feels so good to vent. Thanks!

Oh! One more thing. When you're getting on the freeway...DON'T STOP! Especially when the entrance ramp is at the TOP OF A HILL! You will cause an accident! Involving many vehicles and causing much bloodshed! If you don't know how to get on the freeway, use the farkin access road. Seriously. If you need an alternate route, call me. I'm the queen of alternate routes. What am I saying? I'm queen of all routes. Booyah (in best Rufus voice). OK for real.

The End. For Now.


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