I hope you're not expecting something specific.

July 03, 2004

I take back the whining. This time.

Hey, remember how I was whining about that radio station that got changed? The Wild to the Jack? I take it back. I take it ALL BACK! They freakin RULE! Any station that can play Foo Fighters and Tina Turner in the same set is A-OK in my book. And then today they played Groove is in the Heart. I'm sold. There is no genre. There is no way to know what to expect. I might have even caught a country song, I'm not sure. It was a song I hadn't heard before, so maybe it was old rock or something because, you know, rock went through a very bluesy period and some of it can and does get played on the country stations. That probably should've been three sentences instead of one, but oh well you get the gist.

The End. For Now.


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