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July 15, 2004

Fun with Blogs

Just a warning, Blogger just put a bunch of fancy new buttons on here for me to play withSo, sorry if I get carried away. 
Guess what!  I got my first reader question!  Now I get to answer!  Wheeeeeeee!!!  Southerngirl1 writes:
So whatever happened to Clifford??? or more importantly, why are you perpuatually single, what happened with Andrew???

First, Clifford is fine.  He had a broken "universal joint" whatever that means.  The way Andrew explained it to Gabi was good for me too:  "It's like he had a broken arm."  So anyway, Clifford is fixed, but he likes to become "unfixed" at the most inappropriate times.  The nerve.
OK, what happened with Andrew.  That is a LONG story even for someone as verbose as I am.  Let's just say, we started out doing things out of order.  We had a baby (but I did all the work), we got "engaged" when Gabi was a little over a year old.  He began a "relationship" with a (insert many bad words here) girl the month after he asked me to marry him.  To that, I asked him, "Why did you bother asking me to marry you, dude?"  Seriously.  He said he was worried that I would take Gabi away from him if he broke up with me.  Only in his mind would completely humiliating me for nine months (the length of time that he cheated on me before I finally left him) be a better choice than just being a man and telling the truth.  I would never keep Gabi from him.  It has been almost 3 years since I left him and I have not refused a phone call or visit once, regardless of how angry I was with him.  Not for him, but for her.  She is a daddy's girl and he is a good father.   She loves him so much.  He just seems to have problems with women in general.  Many people say either that I am not over him or that I am bitter and need to "let go."  First of all, I find it highly insulting when people say I am not over him.  I was over him the day I left him, if not way before.  I am not, however, over what he did to me.  He has never apologized or even acknowledged that he did anything wrong.  This is where "people" say I just need to let it go because I'm never going to get an apology.  I never said I expected an apology.   But I will maintain that I deserve an apology for the mental and emotional abuse that he put me through as well as the blatant humiliation.  Like I said, I'm leaving a lot out here, so you'll just have to take my word for it.  I have to deal with him on a daily basis.  You'd think after three years, he could get the balls to say something to the effect of "I was a total jerk."  But he hasn't. And he won't.  I know I won't get that apology (even though his mom, bless her heart, says that he has considered it), but that doesn't mean I deserve it any less.  I will not be told by people who have not been through what I have been through how to deal with this.  It makes me angry when I am told to "let it go."  That's another thing I hate!!  Unsolicited advice!!  Grr!!  I should've included that in my column about hating things.
So anyway, the same "people" who dole out such unsolicited advice also seem to have a theory on why I am perpetually single.  They say that I am bitter and that men can sense this about me.  Well, that would be a good theory if I were bitter towards all men, but I'm not.  I've said it a few times so far in this blog that I know that all men are not the same (ditto for women).  I never once even considered that all men were like Andrew.  Thank your choice of deity!!  I do, however, have a theory as to why I'm perpetually single.  I'm loud, opinionated (yet diplomatic), funny (occasionally), I like sports, I win at trivia, and I don't laugh at stupid jokes.  I'm not good at being nice to people I don't like (they are few and far between.  I like just about everyone.  Unless they're a jerk).  I am good at postulating theories.  I think maybe most guys just don't know what to do with me.  I'm not a ditz who flips her hair around and laughs at all the corny jokes and pretends to like you just to get free drinks.  OK, fine, I flip my hair, but that's it!  I think maybe men on the internet seem to like me mainly because they do not have to withstand the insane decibel level of my voice on a regular basis.  But honestly, if I knew why I was perpetually single, I probably wouldn't be perpetually single.  Ha! 
OK, I'm off to study the Emmy nominations.  Maybe I'll come back with some commentary later on.  Until then, Cheerios!  Oooh CSI!  OK, maybe a little ADD, too.  Hee!
PS Disney channel is evil.  EEEEEEeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiil!!!


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