I hope you're not expecting something specific.

July 21, 2004

Snaps to Jessica

...for sending me these fine specimens of websites.  Yes I realize that I cursed Shane and snapped Jessica, but.....but.....Jessica is going to be my designated driver tomorrow night and technically, I've never met Shane and he can't technically kick my ass and Jessica can technically decline driving my drunk ass around tomorrow. 
Let them sing it for you
A whole lot of lists of 5 things (which I love and will probably soon replicate).
Confessions - Some dirty, some funny, and some just sick.
Oh, and as long as I'm mentioning websites, here's one that Ava sent me that just absolutely slays me every time:
Rock Paper Saddam
Maybe I'll think of more later.  If you have any, feel free to comment or email them to me and I'll add 'em in.


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