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August 07, 2004

Thursday's LCS Rambling

For some reason, I cannot log into blogger so I have to take my chances in Word and hope I don’t crash my machine. It auto-recovers and all that jazz, but I don’t need this stress on top of the stress that Last Comic Standing is currently producing. It’s only a half hour show which makes me a little sad, but since the other half hour is Scrubs, it’s OK. If I were scheduling, though, it’d be LCS from 7-8 and Scrubs from 8-9 and CSI from 9-10. I can change channels!

OK, so here goes. They’re going to toy with us by splitting up the final six into groups of two. One person stays, one goes. Apparently, they’re announcing a group of two, let them perform, then eliminate one? How are we gonna squish that into 23 minutes?

Gary and Tammy….I pick Tammy to get eliminated.


Wheeee!! Two hour special next week! Mm Gary looks hot in that red t-shirt. How easily I am amused. Way to invent the sticker! Ha! I love that guy. He seems kind of bored. I guess it’s because he’s not really competing. He still has a really good stage presence. Really good at talking to the audience. Tammy’s pretty funny but if I have to pick between her and Gary….Well. I don’t know how I feel about this mid-show eliminating.

Hm, it’s already 8:18 and we’re only through one set? Maybe the TV listings were bogus. I better not have missed Scrubs, dammit. OK, tvguide.com says one hour LCS and no Scrubs. Yahoo TV listings officially suck, but I guess I’m quasi-glad they’re wrong. Now, if they’d give us 2 eps of Scrubs instead of another uber-depressing, tired ER, I’d be happy.


OK, back from commercial. I can’t watch. Dramatic music, please. YAY GARY!!! I’m one for one.

OK, John’s in the second group. NO NOT KATHLEEN! I love them BOTH! They’re BOTH supposed to go to the finals!!! Stupid commercials how many are we gonna take??? I hope my completely inappropriate crush is not unique to me and other obsessive women voted for him. Not to mention the guys who can relate to the Playstation and Christmas wrapping paper tubes things. This is too much for me! I have never wished Kathleen ill, but I really hope she chokes. I swear, he has me rolling every time. Tears. Tears! Shut up Rie Heffron. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY I’M TWO FOR TWO! All I care is that John is staying. I love him! Uh oh. Gabi just shut her door on me. Maybe I should keep it down. I’ll miss Kathleen, but I think she’ll go far regardless of “losing” this show. She’s the only one out of the final 10 that’d I’d ever heard of before the show.

Hm, Jay and Alonzo. I can honestly say that I just don’t care, but I pick Jay because Jessica said he’s nice. But Alonzo is actually pretty funny and he seems ambitious, too. What does it matter? John’s going to win next week anyway. I played my Kiss records too much on my stereo and now it has mono. HA! OK, I liked that one. Is Alonzo wearing a pink t-shirt? Now I really want Jay to win so that Alonzo is not tempted to stand next to Gary. Oh yes, I love the NASCAR jokes!!!

I never understood why people liked NASCAR until I talked to the fans.
Then I realized that they are the kind of people who would amused watching a
shiny car go in circles for hours. I can talk bad about NASCAR fans.
If they chase me, I’ll just turn right.

He is making me laugh way more than Jay did. Sorry, Jessica. Now after that ridiculous commercial break, we are here for the moment of troof. HOLY CRAP I’M THREE FOR THREE!!! If you guys had not noticed yet, I freakin rule. Oh my, Alonzo’s dad wiped a tear. That almost made me make a tear. Tuesday. 7 pm CDT. Two hours!! That totally rules. I hope it’s 116 minutes of John Heffron, then 4 minutes to tell us he won and release balloons and confetti and maybe some pyrotechnics.


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