I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 03, 2004

Maybe I DO have to think of everything....

Yahoo is broken and I have 45 minutes before I go home. That means I can write approximately 3 sentences. Ha! For those of you that don't know, it usually takes me about 2 hours to write a medium size entry. I'm not writing the whole time. I don't really know what's going on for most of that time, really. Anyway!

First of all GO COWBOYS!!! Shane came down from Tulsa yesterday and we went to the Cowboys game. It was my first NFL game even though it was preseason and Shane likes the Chefs. I really don't care that it was preseason. Maybe next time we can get into the stadium in under an hour. Ha! We had a great time driving around saying "It's right there, how come we can't get in?" Surprisingly, we had no problems leaving. Oh, and the Olympic women's gymnastics team was there with their shiny silver medals. Minus Carly, of course. I think she was at a homecoming party at her gym in Plano. That's what Kidd Kraddick said, anyway. Speaking of which, she's going to be on the show on Tuesday at 7 a.m. if anyone wants to catch it. So I got some pictures of them. They're from far away, but dammit, I got pictures! And after halftime, they walked up the stairs from the field up to the concourse right in the middle of the stands and when they were about halfway up, people started noticing they were there and gave them a standing ovation. In Texas Stadium. While the Cowboys were playing. That's saying something right there.

Oh, and Shane bought me a giant foam finger. At first, I was all "Geez, how retarded. A foam finger. It's just going to make my hand sweat." That is, until I realized that when I point with a giant blue foam finger instead of my white bony finger, it seems to make more of an impact. Also, doing The Donald's signature "Ya fayud" cobra hand with a giant blue foam finger is incredibly entertaining. OK, maybe you need a margarita and 3 beers first, but it IS entertaining.

After the game, we went to The Bar. The FIRST THING Brad says to me..."Are you gonna be a bitch tonight?" What. The. HELL? I said..."Well, if you talk to me like that, yes I am." And he's all, "You have been sort of bitchy lately." WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PERSON??? All I did was walk in and order a beer!!! Shane can back me up on this one. I didn't do a damn thing to the guy. WTF??

OH! And TOIL was there!!! I hadn't seen him in at least 3 weeks. He is still magically delicious. Mrowr! He gave me a hug and I'm sure I was smelling like eau de Texas Stadium. That place has a hole in the roof, but still manages to be very poorly ventilated. Go fig. Anyway, he said he transferred but he still lives here so he can come hang out when he's not working. Whew! He also said I should come out and see him at his bar some time! Awww isn't that sweet??? It's too damn far, though, to go see someone who doesn't even know I'm alive. *Cue Clay Aiken*

OMI what is wrong with Yahoo mail? I mean, if they're going to be working on the damn thing and it's going to be a pain to get into why don't they like, oh I don't know, send out an email? Maybe they don't have everyone's email address or something. Or, here's another great idea, why don't they just put a little service "sticky note" on the front page? That seems to be working fine. Geez, do I have to think of EVERYTHING?

Well, it's almost time to evacuate the premises. I don't have to make the 100 mile trek to deliver my precious child to her grandparents' today because Andrew is kind of a dumbass (which we all knew) and forgot to pay his electricity bill (even though he had the money which is, as he will tell you himself, even more stupiderer than having it cut off when you don't have the money). So instead of staying in his heat-trap of an apartment, he went to stay with his mom and just took the ankle-biter to work with him so I don't have to make the big loop. And thank goodness because according to the traffic report, I would probably have to deal with a myriad of troubles and would probably not get home until about 9:00 tonight. A four hour trip home is ludicrous when you live 1.2 miles from work. Word.


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