I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 29, 2004

If you're lost, you can look and you'll find Cyndi Lauper

OK. Who are you, Stewed Hamm??? You seem to know me. You act like you know me. You comment on my blog like you know me. I mean, it's cool and all, I just want to know who you AAAAAAARE! It's driving me CRAAAAAAAAAAZY!! I thought I had it all figured out, but alas, I have been wrong. Unless you're one of the people I asked "Are you Stewed Hamm?" and you lied and said you weren't. In which case, you're totally in trouble.

It's a Howard Jones Totally 80's Lunch Hour.

Well, this is just a mid-day blog so I'll keep it to the point, I guess. That's definitely NOT something I'm very good at so....um....I guess I should mention Bowling for Soup who debuted at #37 on Billboard's Hot 100. Not too shabby, I say. WOO! Yay! Also, here's an article about being licked by puppies. Who doesn't like THAT?

Also, I'd like to give a shout-out to my fake internet boyfriend Mark who should be a genius millionaire any day now due to his hot new record label, Lucky Unicorn. Well, he's already a genius. He just needs about $999,982.

And just a quick reminder to all of my fellow TV fanatics, this week's schedule is all jumbled up because of the "presidential" "debates." (They're in separate quotes because I am mocking them separately.) So make sure to check with tvguide.com before prime time so you can sit down with your VCR and plan together.

Oh! And Amazing Race 5 fans, READ THIS! If you don't watch The Amazing Race, you are seriously missing out. It is just that good. But no worries, TAR 6 is starting up soon. Probably when dr. vegas gets cancelled. And don't tell me you "don't like reality TV" or "reality TV sucks" because this is not reality TV, this is a RACE! This ain't some "Bachelor" or "Big Brother." Please feel free to positively hate any "reality" show where there is any sort of romantic theme. Big Brother is on way too many times a week and has resorted to bottom-of-the-barrell tactics to lure viewers. Survivor and Apprentice are acquired tastes, but they're still fun. American Idol is just plain fun. But the Amazing Race? It's intense (just like Colin!) and it's fun (like Chip!) and it's people who can do things they never thought they could do (awww Moms!) and it's well.....amazing. It's not backstabbing and plotting (unless you ask Mirna). It's strategery (hehehe) and teamwork and sigh....I just love it. The casting is great, the tasks are great, the editing is su-perb, and Phil is kinda hot.

Sheesh, so for a short mid-day post, I sure did ramble. OK, tonight's viewing will include Lost at 7 (CDT) which is really awesome and I love it and you should totally watch it. Then the Apprentice at 8, since they moved it to tonight because of the "debates." And then CSI NY at 9 which is much better than I thought it would be considering how annoying I find CSI Miami. Anybody see the premier last week? Dang, talk about bringing out the big guns in the series premier. Dang. And Gary Sinise has the most amazing eyebrows I've ever seen on a man. Then tomorrow night, Survivor is on at its regularly scheduled time and the debates are going to swallow 2 hours (!!!) of my viewing pleasure WHOLE! Man, am I glad I have cable. Hm, at 8 we have "Viernes 13" on K-Star...that must be a local station. Let's see....what else? Whoa! At 8 on TLC: "Tornado Alley!" And at 9 on TLC, we have "Eye of the Hurricane" which looks pretty damn good, but then again I have a thing for disasters. Speaking of which, it looks like we also have The Surreal Life on VH1 which is an odd mix of completely creepy, fascinating, and hilarious. But we know they'll show it like, 15 times this weekend. Hey, did anyone see Veronica Mars last night? It was on UPN, so probably not, but next Tuesday, you should totally watch. That sentence had a ton of commas. Apparently, it's being compared to Buffy, but without all those pesky vampires. I never watched Buffy, so I can't really attest to that statement. So anyway, it really is a good show (On UPN! I know!!!) and if you watch it and are feeling lost, I would love to get you caught up.

OK. Imout. Must make maps for money. Word.


Blogger Shane said...

Speaking of The Amazing Race. . . sorry I didn't win it for you. I was only about $100 short. ;-)

3:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheers to you Di!
I have so enjoyed reading your blog. Amen girl, Amazing Race was incredible! I was about to bust an artery before Chip and Kim drove up.
Reality shows aren't always what they are cracked up to be. They may seem "self directed" and spontaneous by the "players", but much of it lies on the editing room floor. I learned that for myself when my brother was on the show "Extreme Makeover." I was interviewed 3 times, but they weren't interested in what a great brother and person he is, but instead tried to egg me on about his sad pathetic self-absorbed childhood that split our family apart. Good for me though, as I didn't bite. And guess how much of my interviews they used???? NADA, LOL. Yeah yeah, I know, they have to lure the viewer in, afterall, who wants to hear a story without any twists, drama, and heartbreak???
Anyway Di, just my two cents worth. Keep on writing as I love hearing about your world.

8:06 PM

Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

I go away for a few days, and I come back to my name up in lights! (or at least in links) And I had HoJo going in the car too... eerie, huh?

Hmmm. Who am I? I wonder, do you want to know because of what I've had to say, or do you want to know because you want to know?
If it's the latter, then "savor the mystery," as a friend of mine would say. If it's the former, then I suppose I'll just keep talking a bit more.

Not that I want to be in trouble or anything, but I wouldn't tell you what I was getting you for your birthday either. So take it as one of those sorts of things.

11:49 PM

Blogger di said...

OK Stewed Hamm. We can make a deal. I'll savor the mystery if you give me a hint every now and then. Like, how about for the next hint, you tell me which state you live in? And how did you know my birthday? And as far as your multiple choice question, I'd like to answer "all of the above." I hope you're happy now with all your contributing to my neuroses.

10:24 AM


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