I hope you're not expecting something specific.

September 27, 2005

I'm watching TV while I write this

OK, kids. I'm watching The Amazing Race: Family Edition. I will like this for ONE SEASON and then we need to get back to two person teams. With that being said, so far I love it. Would you totally hate me if I kinda cried a little when they crossed the Delaware? OK, maybe I'm PMS'ing a little and maybe it doesn't take a whole lot at this point, but it was still really cool. And I believe that the teams are mainly staying in the USA, which some die-hard TAR fans have a problem with. I dunno, I think it's kinda neato. And also, hurray for two hour season premiere!

Good: Little kids kicking butt. The youngest TAR contestant ever: Austin Black (8)! And Carissa Gaghan (9!) is my new hero. She rocks!
Better: Teams helping each other put their tents up in Pennsylvania. That was awesome.
Bad: Mama Weaver not knowing that Pennsylvania is a state. I hope that was just editing.
Ugly: The Paolo family... who is FROM NYC!... getting lost in NYC!!! It has always been my perception that New Yorkers can get around just about anywhere. I dunno. The Dew will have to fill me in on that.
Amazing: Kevin and Drew!!!! KEVIN AND DREEEEEEEEW!!!! OMG!!! I almost had a heart attack, y'all. I hope that's a trend: to have past racers hand out clues along the race! Come back, Oswald and Danny! Come back.... Zach! Come back Chip and Reichen! Come back, half the cast of Season 5, but most notably Chip and Kim!!! Come back Kris and Jon! Come back Uchenna and Joyce!!! How rad would that be?

Also? Some genius at CBS.com came up with FANTASY AMAZING RACE!!! It's hilarious, ludicrous and downright awesome all at the same time.

So as you may have guessed, I had to record My Name is Earl and The Office. I thought Earl was pretty funny last week in a way that most shows well.... aren't. It's this new breed of sitcom like Scrubs, Arrested Development, and The Office. No laugh track, no studio audience. You have to decide for yourself what is funny. And there's a lot. And before I watch this week's Office (which I heard is pretty good), I have to share my favorite line from last week's. It was when Pam was talking about the Dundees and she says, "It's like a horrible car accident. And you don't want to look. But your boss is making you look." Mad props to Jenna Fischer for line delivery on that one.

OK, the news is on now. So I'm going to wrap this up before I get too terribly pissed off and I can enjoy my Earl/Office tape in sweet serenity.

Oh speaking of hurricanes, did you guys see INVASION??? Woah.


Blogger Shane said...

Wow, I wonder if i'm actually about to scoop Di on something TV related.

For your Chip and Kim fix, you should be watching Battle of the Network Reality Stars on Bravo. Quite fun with all the competitions and twists, yet at the same time quite sentimental when they show the original clips of Gabe Kaplan, Robert Conrad, Farrah Faucet, Scott Baio, et. al, from the original "Battle of the Network Stars" Ahhh, the memories. Plus, they almost always run a marathon of every episode on the weekends.

Also, although I'm not a big fan of The Office, I have enjoyed Earl. However, the Tuesday night lineup of TAR and Supernatural make the recording options difficult, even with my two-tuner DVR. Thanks to Bravo again for coming to the rescue! They reair both The Office and Earl on the following Sunday and Thursday.

7:56 PM

Blogger Dew said...

Well, being a Bostonian, myself, I'm not necessarily an authority on New Yorkers. However, since I am the offspring of two New Yorkers, I'll make something up, and it will be persuasive. Or at least entertaining.

It is actually my belief that denizens of NY get complacent about their city, the world's most populous (although not perhaps, the most densely populated, but some of your demographic statistics nerd posse will have to weigh in on that), and therefore don't actually have good navigational skills. This is not unlike natives of other large and populous cities, London and Paris among them, where tourists actually know how to get around better than locals. You've gotta figure if you live somewhere, you know your routes to get to and from work, grocery store, video store, library, dry cleaner's, etc., but outside those prescribed parameters, anything could happen. This is especially true of cities that have "bad" neighborhoods in them (as do all of those that I just mentioned), where some people obviously never go, so their experience is limited to their daily stops, with the occasional foray to a friend's house or a party or cultural outing.

How's that?

11:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's not a bad bit of conjecture. As someone who grew up in Chicago, I could not direct anyone around parts of the city that I do/did not frequent.

As for NYC holding the title of World's Most Populous City, however, it fails to crack the top dozen. NYC ranks 13th, with a population of a bit over 8 million. Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India leads the list with just short of 12 million denizens. Not surprisingly, India and China account for 4 of the top 9 most populous cities. NYC ranks 2nd among North American cities, behind Mexico City.

You can check out the following site for the details:

Santos-McGarry Campaign Headquarters and Depository of Trivial Facts

12:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That'd be "Respository." I need a secretary.

12:28 PM

Blogger Dew said...

Wouldn't it be "Repository"? ;)

9:53 PM

Blogger Dew said...

Oh, and p.s., how would you post a comment if you were dyslexic....?

9:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes. i did watch invasion. and i am hooked. i want to have larkin's baby. except that she's already pregnant so that'll do, i guess. but you get the idea.

10:31 AM

Blogger Shane said...

Depository? Repository? How about Suppository?

11:01 AM


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