I hope you're not expecting something specific.

October 05, 2004

I say they both shut up

Grr at UPN for giving me a Veronica Mars rerun tonight due to the Vice Presidential Debate! They're all of a sudden concerned with our citizenship? Psha. Are they trying to MAKE me watch it by making sure there's nothing else on? Grr at all of cable! I might try out Nip/Tuck at 9 if the munchkin is in bed.

So earlier, I was watching Last Comic Standing. How come I get a funny feeling every time Dave Mordal gets on stage? Why do I find him so strangely sexy? He's way too old for me, married, has messy hair, looks like he's probably too short for me, bathes with Rich Vos and sort of looks like a turtle.....which only goes to prove that despite all of these things, if you can make me laugh...truly make me laugh like toss my head back in uncontrollable laughter to the point where I have to catch my breath....you can probably get in my pants.

Let's see how long I can stand the VP Debate before I need the mute button. I have to say that I've made it farther than in the Presidential debate (30 seconds). I like them sitting down better than standing up. They just seem less combative. Andrew, the co-parent, suggested earlier that I plop Gabi down in front of it and maybe she'd go to bed early. I'm not sure I want to subject my innocent child to that. Dude! John Edwards has got that Clinton thumb "I'm totally making a point right now" thing down! It's uncanny! I lasted 16 minutes. Hm, Andrew just called and we heckled the debate for like, 20 minutes. I swear, we can fight like cats and dogs for 3 years straight, but an election year rolls around and we're the best of friends. For some reason, our politics line up almost exactly and what we disagree on, I have to admit that I am no match for him politically. Usually I'm all "Oops, another call, gotta go." Hee!

Oh, hey, I've been working on my dumb blonde impression (YES it's just an act! Smartasses). I'm going back to my natural color (medium-dark brown) soon, at least temporarily, so I have to get it out of my system:

You guys! John Edwards and Clay Aiken have the same accent! Wow!


Blogger di said...

You know, southerngirl, you are so right! Dave does kind of look like Ty! And I hate to admit it, but John didn't get me rolling like he usually does. I guess the honeymoon's over. SIGH! It's all because he got married. He was way funnier when he was single. The only problem I have with the final four is that none of them have the stage presence of Gary Gulman. He seemed so incredibly comfortable up there and I always enjoyed watching him. Especially the parts about the cookies. Reading my mind, Gary, just reading my mind.

And I promise to work on my pictures tonight. It's true that my daughter is positively gorgeous and looks nothing like me. And yes, you're right, her dad is not the most unattractive thing there ever was. I could've done worse, I guess.

9:59 AM


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