I hope you're not expecting something specific.

April 30, 2006

Hey guys! Contrary to popular belief, the Di-atribe is not defunct or dead. I have had a hell of a past six months, and the thought of sitting down to write it all down is, well.... daunting. It hasn't been anything horribly significant. One new car. Two car accidents. One quasi-promotion. A couple of whirls on the dating merry-go-round. One of which involved one of the most amazing men I've ever met. Too bad he moved 1500 miles away. So....... so much for that, I guess. Anyway. I've been plopping down little blurbs here and there on my myspace blog. I didn't mean for myspace to be so..... addictive. It may be waning, though. Anyway.... have some random thoughts for old time's sake.

Do we really need a TV movie about the bird flu? Seriously? It kind of reminds me of that movie they made a while back about what would happen if we "ran out" of oil. Geez, all of you panicky zealots with movie cameras need to promptly shut it. Hey, can we make a movie about what would happen if the sun exploded!? Or if all of the cell towers shut off? Man, talk about a horror movie.

And on Desperate Housewives? The end where they came and took Lily, and Gabby had a freakin breakdown? Wrenching. That made me boohoo a little bit. OK fine, a lot.

David Blaine needs to shut! Up! And go! Away!

Hm, so televising Oprah's Legends Ball is necessary? I mean, televising Rob and Amber's wedding was kind of pushing it, but this..... wait until a certain someone gets ahold of this.

Grey's Anatomy: Meredith? Nobody talks like that. Addison? More like it. And whatever, Derek, you don't get to be mad that Meredith's banging the vet! Puh-leeze. Also.... I don't know any men who talk like the men on this show. You can totally tell they have female writers. Seriously.

Yeah, I'm watching TV. What? You're surprised?

Also, the Stars got eliminated from the Stanley Cup Playoffs today. The #2 seed, and we got bumped off by the #7 seed. Booooo! So I guess now I'll go for the Oilers until they beat the Red Wings and then the Avs, even though they beat my Stars. I can't even bring myself to be mad about it because I mean.... we got outplayed. We played hard but that Sakic boy. He may be going somewhere with that hockey thing he does. I'm also sad that this spells the end for Modano's mad sexy playoff beard.

And also taking the sting out of it..... GOOOOOO MAVS!!!! I'm already a Mavs Fan For Life thanks to some free airline tickets. Awwwww yeah I was at that game! Freakin sweet. I mean, I still would've been one without the airline tickets. They just sort of cement the whole thing. Also, go Kings. Woot!

Hopefully, I won't be such a blog-slacker in the future and I can get you all caught up on stuff. Thanks for hanging with me.


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