I hope you're not expecting something specific.

March 28, 2005

Monday Pish Posh

OK, serious stuff first. This situation with Terri Schiavo has brought about some strong opinions in this country, and maybe the world. This to me, makes me kind of angry. When you narrow it down to the number of people who have the proper legal or medical training to form a valid opinion and then you weed out all the people who don't have all the facts, do you know how many people you have left? Probably.... zero. All that I know is that I would not want to live like that and I most assuredly would not want to die like that. My heart goes out to Terri and may peace be with her. All that I really hope and pray for (and you guys know that I don't play the prayer card very often) is that she does not suffer.

And you know what else I hate? Protesters. Go home, people! Tend to your own lives and families and let these poor people have the last few days with their daughter in peace. Gah!

*Moving On!*

Let's see... where shall I begin? Where I left off at the last blog? Ah yes, I was leaving for the party. The party was good times. Even more so since I was wearing pants. Well... now come to think of it.... Anyway! There was a ton of brisket and these divine casseroles and so much more that my head was swimming and my belly was definitely full. And there were about twenty (maybe?) people there with which we had fun times. It was at Sheva's house which was massively cool and right on the lake. The weather was kind of cold and windy and rainy at times, so of course, a fire was in order. But the fire was outside. In the fire pit. Where it was cold. But there was a lake. So it was really quite cool. And not just temperature-wise. And S-E-A-N was building the fire, and quite well, I might add, and he was rearranging the Wall Street Journal (which we all determined sucked and deserved its fate because it was from New York please don't hit me, New Yorkers!), I swear his hand was on fire. He was like... in it! We were all freaking out, but he was all, "What? It's no big deal. It's just FIRE!" Eeps! So I decided to stand directly downwind from the fire because naturally, that's the way the heat will drift, right? RIGHT? No. But I did smell like a barbecue for a couple of days. There are worse smells, I guess. Like the smell of DUNGEON! Yeah, Jessica took me on a little rainy tour of the pier and showed me the boat and apparently, under the pier is the creepiest little cave you ever saw. Don't forget that it is very dark and very rainy. Straight out of the Goonies, y'all. I almost let out a blood-curdling scream just because it seemed appropriate at the time. And then we walked around the far side of the dock. Mind you, we are under the pier. The lake is one mis-step away. No lights. Well, we had to navigate this narrow passage to get to the other side. Jessica is not that much shorter than I am, but somehow I caught a spiderweb right across my face where she had missed it. I was expecting Sloth to jump out and demand a candy bar from me any second. Yeah, I wigged a little and flailed around like an idiot, but it was all in good fun. So we caught a beautiful view of the house which was probably about 40 or 50 feet above us by now. And then we had to navigate BACK AROUND the boat PAST THE DUNGEON again to go check out the other side of the pier. I know one place I will not be going for Halloween. But then we came around a big curve in the coastline (lakeline?) and we just got a full-on view of the foggy lake and it was just so beautiful and punctuated by the buoy clanging that I didn't even mind the cold any more and was no longer expecting to turn around and find Chunk or Data. And then I was told of the July 4th parties when someone inevitably must be thrown into the lake every year and I became thankful that it was freezing cold and no one would be throwing anyone in because let's face it, I'm the new girl and I hate venturing into non-chlorinated water. Things LIVE in there! LIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!! Anyway. It was beautiful and Sheva is awesome for letting us congregate in her beautiful house and mingle and eat and watch basketball on that huge-ass TV.

Did you guys see that game??? The Illinois vs. Arizona game? Holy heart attacks, y'all. It was so intense that it actually came back around to not being intense any more and then went on to be even more intense. That is what March Madness is all about and it is only going to get better. Wow. What a game! And what a Final Four we have coming up! My bracket is totally and completely screwed so I can yell for whoever I want without worrying where I'll come in in our espn.com group (which was totally fun, TYVM Sevi).

Then Sunday was Easter and there were a ton of people over at Gabi's grandmother's house and the sun came out just in time for the pinata and the egg hunt. Yay Spring and its unpredictability! And for some reason that wore me out and I kind of slept through the last five minutes of the Kentucky/Michigan State game. I woke up just in time to watch that guy shoot a 3-pointer in slow-mo about 5 quadrillion times. Good game, although I wanted Kentucky to win. :( Oh well. Only one team can win it all anyway. And I think we all know who that will be!

Also? Gabi has informed that she is half vegetarian. Please remember that and be respectful the next time you dine with her.

*TV Time!*

Did you guys see 24???? So much happened, but do you realize that it was a really slow episode? It was all setting up for next week. Next week is going to kick everyone's ASS so hard that we will have a permanent 24 boot print right there on our collective ass! At least that's what the previews would lead you to believe. And would the previews lie? WOULD THEY? Well, sometimes they do because.... if you haven't seen this week's show, then you should skip this part.... they totally led us to believe that Jack was gonna at least get shot by that evil sniper guy, but come on, we all knew that the evil sniper would get taken out by the good sniper but didn't you doubt just a smidge when Tony asked Edgar if there were any others in the area and he was all, "No"??? I was like, "What about the sniper??? You guys see him, right?" Oh man. And the vital piece of intel that keeps getting shoved off because everyone's just too damn busy? Scary! Think they'll figure it out? What do you think will happen? Is Evil Pilot going to A) try to shoot down AF1 or B) fly his stealth bomber into AF1??? Or... something more sinister? Dun dun DUUUUUUUN! It's scary as hell and awesome all at the same time.

So tomorrow we have TWO WHOLE HOURS of The Amazing Race and it looks like an insanely good episode. I hope they didn't give away all the drama in the previews. And I'd just like to set something straight. The Amazing Race is not reality TV. It is unscripted. It is a race. But it is not reality. If you insist on all of your TV shows having a script, then this show is not for you. It is amazing and interesting and fast-paced and well-edited. But it's not reality. So don't call it that or I will thump you on the ear. And I MEAN IT!

Also? New Veronica Mars and new Lost this week! Squeeeeeeeeee!!! AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanswers!!! I want ANSWERS! Awesome.

I'm really tired now, but I want to read some more Hitchhiker's Guide before I pass out, so off I go. (Psst... Ryan! I'm on Chapter 22! What are you on?) Gooooooood night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:59 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

Well, I'm sure Di will take your disapproval to heart and change her evil ways. Obviously any woman who "pretends" to have some interest in sports and/or some idea as to what is going on is frontin' and whatnot. There's no doubt in my mind that Di is overly concerned with A)your approval of her entries, and B)"fitting in." Don't project your idiotic ideals out of your pretty little microcosm and on to someone else, even if it makes you feel better about yourself, mmmkay? Where was I when anonymity became the new idiocy? Here's an idea: if it bothers you this much, do us all a favor and don't read it. Thanks.
Di, I'm going to assume your comment was a compliment, 'kay? :D

6:45 AM

Blogger Ryan said...

P.S. I'm on Chapter 23! Yay!

7:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a 24 freak like me! i have a sneaking suspicion that evil pilot guy is going to stealth bomb CTU. originally i thought he was going to shoot down AF1 too but now that it's a bomber and not a fighter that he's flying it seems less likely. oh and i did kinda think jack was going to get shot...or curtis was going to jump in the way at the last second...my ass is ready to get the boot next week :)/

9:58 PM

Blogger di said...

Woohoo!! A Canadian 24 freak!!! Yesssssss! I like your theory but... why would Marwan go through all this trouble to.... bomb CTU? Besides, they already blew up CTU last season! I think it definitely has something to do with AF1 because of the references Marwan made to the POTUS being on a tight schedule.

And I am really surprised that Curtis has made it this long, being a Handsome Black Agent and all. I hope he makes it through the whole season. He's a really great character (oh, and he's FINE!) :)

PS I like your website! Very cool.

10:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks! i like your website too, i've been secretly lurking for the past while. and i like curtis too, he's like the first and only black character that mattered on 24. plus he totally kicks major ass, remember when he was captured? yeah so do i.

i did see the arizona/illinois game. i wanted arizona to win and they were. until they started not winning. major intensity. #5 on illinois doesn't know how to miss a shot. oh and i like michigan state so i was pretty happy about that too.

p.s. i love the goonies!

10:47 AM

Blogger Ciberblade said...

Hey there Jing ~ Yup, Curtis is an addition full of wonder, to the show. I don't think that CTU would be attact -- remember, the goal is to install fear into the hearts of the public. This would be accomplished in one of two ways
1)By the death of an 'untouchable' figure.
10)Lots and lots of dead people.
In order for it to work, they need to take away the feeling of security.

Can't say that I'm jumping for joy that Michigan moves on to the final four -- but they are a good team, and played hard for it. (saw Chuck Hayes at BW3's, there is on ly one word I can use to describe him -- heartbroken)

Anyhoo....welcome :D

12:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love saying "Pish Posh." It's my new favorite saying for at least the next 15 minutes.
Also, I'm liking the increased use of "y'all." The web could do with some more examples of proper grammar.

~Otak, who is in no position to comment about his brackets

1:05 AM

Blogger Dew said...

Pish tosh....


9:39 PM


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