I hope you're not expecting something specific.

March 23, 2005

I freakin love TV!

OMG there is so much TV to cover! OK, must go (or at least start) in chronological order so that I can keep it all straight. If you haven't seen these shows yet, yes this post contains spoilers and I didn't spoiler-tag anything, so don't blame me if you sneak a peek at something you didn't want to see. K? Deal? Rock. *Pauses for Sevi to stop reading now* Alright. On with the show.


I found Dina's death more disturbing than most characters' deaths on this show. I mean like, it kept me up that night. I knew she was an evil scheming terrorist who wanted to slay the infidels. But the thing is that I connected with her on a maternal level. You could tell that she loved her son more than anything in the whole world (even more than "the cause," whatever that may be) just the same as I love The Gabi. I can't tell if she knew that she was going to die when she was saying good bye to Behrooz at CTU or not. The first thing she said to him was, "We are going to be together forever. Do not worry about anything." Maybe she was just trying to comfort him. I don't know. But Shohreh Aghdashloo (???) is so amazing. She talks with her EYES all Ryan Atwood n stuff (sorry, couldn't resist). Anyway. Needless to say, I felt her pain. That show has me laughing, crying, scared, excited, curled up in a mad ball of tension all in about 14 seconds. I swear. That chingbomp thing literally snaps me out of a near-trance right before commercials. Whew! I'm all worked up just thinkin about it.

American Idol

Y'all. Carrie Underwood so rocked my face last night. Positively amazing. That is a very difficult song to sing without positively just yelling it. She did a great job. I could possibly say that she could win the whole thing, but much like the hyped-up contenders of seasons past (Tamyra, LaToya), she'll probably flame out far too early along with Nadia. If I'm not mistaken, none of the "early favorites" have ever won. I mean, yeah, we've only got three seasons to go on so it's not like we've got detailed statistics here. There is an under-the-radar type that will take us all by storm in the final few weeks and totally kick all of our asses. And that person? Is Vonzell Solomon! I just love her. Charming, sweet, talented, a great showman. Nothin but love for her! Nadia was my early favorite, but as evidenced by last night's performance, she might be getting over-confident and the fickle public may already be getting tired of her. Now, that doesn't make her any less awesome. That girl will have a job in the entertainment industry whether she wins or not.

Oh, and what of this voting snafu? Someone in the AI control room is sooooooooooooooo fired! But the good news is, it looks like they had a contingency plan put together just in case something went wrong (and we all knew it would eventually). They pulled it off, rearranged the schedule to accomodate and Life on a Stick got one more high-visibility plug. (So what do you guys think? Four episodes or six before it's totally dead?) Anyway. I think as far as burning another hour tonight, they did a good job of not boring the hell out of all of us. I didn't need the re-commentary from the judges, but what else are you going to do really? I still can't figure out why I re-watched. There was nothing else on, maybe? I really don't know. Hee!


OK, last week? Kicked my ass. Lots of twisty turns and the entire last half was tribal council. And Koror being little brats and giving Ibrehim immunity? Were they being brats or were they testing Ulong? Methinks a little of both. I mean, we got to see who they would vote for even though they couldn't confer with each other. I could just read it on their oh-crap faces. So anyway, this week we were free from Angie's nipples (and Willard's for that matter). Gabi and I cheered when Ulong won the reward. I bet the ship's crew were all, "Whew! Only four unwashed heathens instead of eight!" Oh, and Steph is still my girl. I totally have girl-crush on her. She rocks! Too bad she is now on the three-member tribe. I wonder when they're going to merge. I was thinking maybe they usually do it when we get down to half of the original cast. If you count the first two who got voted off in the first minutes, that's 20 so that leaves us 10. There's 11 now.

Also? I heard a GREAT SPOILER for this season's Survivor!!!! If you want to hear it, drop me a line since I still have not mastered the spoiler color on this thing since it apparently shows up as different colors on different people's monitors. Sigh! But it's a good one and it has nothing to do with who wins.

Amazing Race

How amazing indeed. When Rob and Ambuh made that 9:30 plane, I couldn't contain myself. As in Gabi had to tell me to keep it down and stop freakin out. :) The look on those smug little faces of those four other teams as RnA boarded the plane was just priceless. Know why they were so upset? Because they KNEW that none of them had a chance to be first. Were RnA lucky as hell? Oh yes. But this race has a definite luck aspect to it. That gate agent did not have to let them on the plane and it was by pure luck that he finished that road block as quickly as he did.

I still can't quite figure out why most of the other teams hate them so much. Because they are already famous? Because they already won a bunch of money? Goodness, people, I didn't know that there was a bank account check before you're allowed on the show. As if the other teams are so much more entitled to the money. I know a lot of people have called them reality show fame whores, but I just don't see that in them. They want the adventure and they aren't counting on this game to get some cash. They're in it because they like winning and they're good at it. Well, at least Rob is. Amber is kind of along for the ride, but I can't imagine Rob finding someone else that can handle him as well as she does. They really are a good pair, love 'em or hate 'em. And they are a great team for this race. Honestly? I hope they win just so the rest of the teams can stand there at the finish line in sheer disgust and pretend to be happy for them. Ha! This season is so good and mostly because Rob and Ambuh are in it.

I'm also glad Patrick got eliminated. Susan wasn't so bad, but it's like all Patrick could do was worry about RnA! Get over it and run your own race. This isn't about beating Rob and Ambuh. It is very difficult to undermine other teams in this game (even though Rob has definitely tried his best). And it's like, all the other teams can think to do is worry about where RnA are and Patrick was the worst.

Know what's fun during this show? Following along on your globe and/or atlas. I'm such a geography nerd! Gabi really likes it, though. And next week? TWOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOURS!!! Yesssssssssss....... I hope it doesn't clash with AI, though. That would be muy mal.

Did I get 'em all? I mean, it's only Wednesday and I'm kind of glad Lost has been in reruns so that I can not only catch Survivor on its "special night" but also so I can watch The OC without worrying about the VCR (that made sense, I swear). Veronica Mars returns with an all new episode next week and I think Lost does too! It seems like they've been in reruns for for-evah, but it will be oh so sweet when they return! Lots of mystery-solvin! Fire up your VCR! I freakin love TV.


Blogger Ryan said...

I am so ready for a new Lost!!! I am beginning to feel very deprived, my friend. I have not been down with the reruns of late. No ma'am. It is time for some newness, dammit! Everyone else has been back to tha new for weeks now.
P.S. On 24, I KNOW!!!!!! I almost threw up. Tonight on TOC: I'm totally bored now that the "Fab Four" are back together.

7:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a very entertaining first paregraph! Thanks for the warning on the rest. As everyone knows, it's a perversion of television's true purpose to watch anything other than sporting events, West Wing, or Sportscenter.

2:28 PM


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