I hope you're not expecting something specific.

February 24, 2005

Big weekend!

OK, nothing particularly dazzling is happening this weekend. No weddings or trips to Vegas or anything.

Let's start with Friday: Gabi's last day at her old day care!!!! We went to register on Tuesday and I clocked it going home. Half. A. Mile!!! I will go from driving 50 miles out of my way daily to ONE! And even though the co-parent threatened to make me miserable for going ahead with this thing without his express written approval, he was very cooperative and genial at the new place when we were enrolling. It's hard to be mad when you can clearly see how much closer and nicer and better run this place is. Yeah, we'll miss the old place. She's been there for 4 years and as a 5 year old, you know that's like... 80% (math whiz I am!). So I'm stoked and tomorrow might be a little sad, but Monday is going to be the raddest Monday ever!

Saturday. My Mom is coming into town and we are going shopping! Shopping always makes good fun. Some call it a sickness. I call it the cure. Shapow!

Saturday night. Going to a concert in Fort Worth! Yeehaw! It'll be nice to actually do something different. I'm all about plugging the bands I love, but I am NOT all about announcing to the internet my exact location at a specific time. Ya dig? I'll plug on Sunday. You know I will!

Sunday.... I don't really have anything planned for Sunday, but since Friday and Saturday are looking marvelous as well as the rare fabulous Monday (marred only by a stupid dentist appointment), I'm sure it'll be swell and hopefully spent reading a book or .... something useful and productive.

Anyway, hope your weekend is swell as well. Soak it up! It only comes around once every five days! :)


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