I hope you're not expecting something specific.

February 08, 2005

Things not to say to the woman who gave birth to your child

1. You're psychotic
2. I'll call our daughter tomorrow and tell her what an idiot you are
3. The fact that you have driven a cumulative 30,000 miles out of your way to accomodate me for the past three years makes perfect sense and you're the only one who thinks it's unfair.

Of course, #3 is paraphrased. But the first two are word for word. Now is this my fault for "letting" him treat me this way or is it his fault for being a total jackass? He pushes and pushes and pushes me until I can't take it any more and then he calls me nuts. And I can never do anything to retaliate, because then I'm even more nuts.

Why am I stuck with this man in my life who just wants to disrespect me and call me names? And why am I stuck listening to him without anyone on my side? It's like everyone knows that what I do every day (driving an extra 50 miles to a day care way out of town) makes no sense, but no one will stick up for me when it comes down to it. So to him, he thinks that he's right. I don't know how he could possibly think this. It really makes no sense. And I'm just at a loss as to how I can make it better. I put off putting in her two weeks' notice at her current day care so I could discuss it with him. And the only discussion I get is "Well I want to wait until I move." It's all about him. It's what he wants. I've wanted to move her to a closer day care for three years. I have been patient. I have been kind. I could've given her two weeks' notice without even discussing it with him, but I held off OUT OF RESPECT FOR HIM! Why do I bother??? I'm sitting here crying over the nasty words he says to me. I don't get it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lean on me
When you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on...

*BT attack*


7:50 PM


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