I hope you're not expecting something specific.

January 25, 2005

You know, Mr. Anonymous, for someone who is too much of a coward to even reveal who he is, you sure are wasting a lot of time and energy insulting me. What have I done to you to make you hate me so much? Have I done anything to you? I just live my life. I don't push my daughter off on anyone. Her grandparents beg me to drop her by on the weekends. I love my child and if you knew me one bit, you'd know that. Do you really think that your hateful comments are going to make me change my voice, cut some bangs, and buy new shoes (which...I didn't know basic black boots were so hideous)? At least I own up to what I say. Sign my name to everything I write and own up to everything I do. I don't claim to be thin or gorgeous or even witty or smart. I don't live for anyone but my daughter and me. So until you get the cajones to admit who you are, yes, your comments will be deleted on a regular basis. I don't ask anyone to kiss my ass nor do I expect them to. I expect normal, RELEVANT commentary. I'm not required to keep your nastiness on my normally upbeat and positive blog. Seriously, if you don't like me, why do you keep coming back? Just to harrass me? Just to show off how much you really hate me? I swear, if you hadn't mentioned my last name, I would've assumed that you were some 14 year old boy insecure about his early-teen inadequacies. But since you somehow do know my last name (which is not common, FYI), I must assume that you are an adult acting like a high school bully. If you have anything else hurtful to say, why don't you say it to my face like a real man instead of hiding behind the anonymity of the internet? I cannot deal with you or mend any fences I may have broken with you if you don't tell me who you are.


Blogger bugamartini said...

If you get "Haloscan", you can ban this idiot from commenting at all.

11:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:56 AM

Blogger di said...

You haven't the slightest clue what I feed my child so fuck off. I wore a tiara on HALLOWEEN, dude. What goes on between CK and I is between CK and I. You never answered my questions: Why do you hate me? And what in the world did I do to you?

My weight is none of your concern. I will delete whatever comments I please. What you say is not any kind of "truth." It's just someone with nothing better to do trying to be rude and mean and probably hoping to hurt my feelings. But every comment you post, I get closer to figuring out who you are, asshole.

5:22 AM

Blogger di said...

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5:24 AM

Blogger di said...

You know Bean, I think you might be right. And I even have an idea of who it might be.

So to you, MISS Anonymous...if you'd like your "constructive criticism" to be heard, you'll have to leave a name. I'm not deleting because of any truth or untruth. Frankly, the validity of your statements is irrelevant at this point, even though most of it is completely made up. Obviously, you can dish it but you can't take it. Oh, and learn to spell "criticism" (no Z!). It's hard to take you seriously when you spell like a 4th grader.

Oh, and btw...CK didn't seem to mind my fat ass Thursday night.

6:49 AM

Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

I hate to ruin everyone else's fun, but perhaps you could just set the blog to only accept comments from registered members. Sucks for all the pseudo-anonymous readers out there, though.

1:01 AM

Blogger di said...

I considered that, Stewy. But I'm not going to let one person (or group of people) ruin it for the people who say they are my friends and actually ARE my friends. And I'm also not going to prevent perfect strangers with useful things to say from commenting. No worries, love. I don't mind deleting their drivel.

7:03 AM


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