I hope you're not expecting something specific.

February 09, 2005

Can you guess what my five year old is thinking of?

Gabi likes to play this "guessing game." She has stumped me a total of three times. Today was one of those times.Let's see if you can guess what she was thinking based on these clues:

It's a thing (not an animal or person)
It's big (as in bigger than her head)
*At this point, I guess a car. Wrong!*
It's up in the sky
*Airplane? WRONG!*
It's on the ground but above the trees and above the houses
*A skyscraper? BZZT!*
Sometimes, it has words on it and it's all different colors
*A billboard! Nope*
They build them on the ground and then lift them high in the sky
*A crane? NO!*
It carries drinks.
*Say what?*
Drinks! You know... water or milk!
*...... I'm at a total loss at this point*
It carries drinks high in the sky!!!

OK, at this point, I gave up. Can you guess what she was thinking of? Remember.....she's FIVE!

Good luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eat lots of fruits and veggies, yogurt, and good sources of fats, almonds and olive oil, and you won't miss the junk food. When sitting, tighten and flex those butt muscles, no one will know you are doing them!
Good Health to All,

9:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fair... Rick guessed more than one thing.

I say it's a very tall waiter. Or maybe one of those big plaster Big Boy statues.


4:42 PM

Blogger di said...

It's true, Otak. Rick used up too many of his turns! But I will give a hint buried back here in the comments: The milk thing... you should disregard that. She was adorably mistaken about that aspect. But water is definitely involved. I think I'll give a week from the original post and then I'll just tell you if no one's figured it out.

3:21 PM

Blogger di said...

And the prize goes to Beaner!!! You are clearly the smartest woman alive. Besides Gabs, of course. :) And just to be fair, Sevi figured it out first, he just didn't POST IT!!!

1:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You don't get to come back tomorrow. You don't even get a copy of our home game!


P.S. That's what you get for playing against plumbers and architects with Ph.D.'s

11:24 AM


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