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February 12, 2005

Two Weeks' Notice

OK, first some life-stuff, then we'll get to the news. Ready.....GO!

Today was the Bar Staff vs. Bar Regulars football game. Despite the "cold" (55 degrees), wind and occasional rain, it was actually pretty fun. I sat/walked around with Jayme the whole time just taking in the male-ness of the whole thing. Of course it was young, hot 20-somethings against older smokers and drinkers. You'd think the staff would win, right? Well, Jonesy (who ended up with a bloodied nose and lip) brought some guys he works with, one of whom was probably the fastest person I've ever seen in person, so somehow the Regulars came away with the game in 4 overtimes (college-style... not timed): 56-49. Oh! And TOIL was there! Mm mm mm. He's still with his girlfriend, but of course it's always lovely to see him. He wasn't playing or anything, just watching. In sandals. And socks. Good thing he's got a sparkling personality. Hee! And the new I'm-sure-I'd-have-a-crush-on-him-if-I-saw-him-more-than-once-a-month-ish crush was there with his fine fine ass. Good heavens. Don't worry, he doesn't know of my existence, either. He is nice and says hi and I give him 2:1 odds that he knows my name, but that just means he's got a good memory (mmm....brains!). Jayme got some great pictures and I totally can't wait to see them.

I'm listening to my LaunchCast player and they're playing Under Pressure by Queen. I'm a pretty new fan of Queen. Can you believe that when he died I didn't even know who he was? That's just sad, y'all. He was amazing. And I have some choice words for Vanilla Ice for making me question every time I hear that bass line. Moving on.

Vanessa Carlton ~ A Thousand Miles. That White Chicks movie ruined this song for me. Done. Skip.

Barenaked Ladies ~ Never Do Anything. Ah, now that's more like it.

Also in Life, I gave Gabi's day care our two-weeks' notice. Yes, I did it. In writing. No turning back now. THANK GOD!!! As I dropped Gabi off at the co-parent's workplace Friday afternoon, I mentioned that I gave the notice and know what he did? Rolled his eyes at me (as per usual when I do something he did not expressly, personally approve) and said, "We'll talk about it later." Will we? Not likely. He'll just act like a brat and hold it against me forever. Which is fine with me. I was more than accomodating to him. I was respectful, gave him ample opportunity to discuss it with me in an adult manner and he refused every time. I was NOT going to let him keep procrastinating until the two-weeks' notice lined up with him moving here. Sorry, he doesn't get his way on this one. Part of me is relieved that this insane driving is almost over, but the rest of me is totally kicking myself for letting this go on for this long. Why do I let him walk all over me? Am I too nice? I think I am. I'm just not a boat-rocker. I hate that I give him that power, but I don't know how to fix it. Well, first day at new day care: February 28th! Yay!!!

TMBG! ~ Narrow Your Eyes. Sweet.

Natalie Cole ~ Orange Colored Sky.... must stop typing and sing for a while.... singing into a leaky bottle of massage oil isn't really all that bad. Soft!

Oh, and karaoke is Sunday night and I FINALLY get to go. I told the co-parent that I had an early meeting Monday morning so that he would take the bambina on Sunday night instead of Wednesday. It's mostly true! I haven't gone to sing since like, September. He never ever cooperates with me on this issue, so I think a little unethical behavior is acceptable at this point. It's only one night a month and he switches days with me all the time with how much trouble from me? NONE!

Less Than Jake ~ Blue Moon. Yes, that Blue Moon. Awesome. I recommend.

Sublime ~ Santeria. Believe me when I say I got somethin for his punkass! Word.

Patsy Cline ~ Sweet Dreams of You. Patsy is awesome.

In the news. I'm watching The OC the other night. And right in the middle (literally at like, 8:30), screen goes black BZZZZZZZT BZZZZZZZZZT BZZZZZZZZZZT !!!! I am fuh-reakin out because I think it's a test of the Emergency Alert System (which they really do at the most inopportune times), but it turns out, it's an Amber Alert. I feel like a punk for getting whiny when a little kid has been abducted and could possibly be in danger. So I listen to the information and remember that it will probably only last about 2 minutes, which is really no big deal, and then they BZZZZZZZT-ed again. Why do they BZZZZT at the end? Why can't they just be all, this concludes this broadcast and be done with it? Lame. So I wasn't so mad at that point. I was just hoping that everything was OK and that it was all for nothing. Because if that was my daughter, they better interrupt The OC, OK? So we're watching, we apparently didn't miss a lot and then at 8:53. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T MISS THE LAST FIVE MINUTES!!! BZZZZZZZZZT! BZZZZZZZZZT! BZZZZZZZZZZT! What the!!!!! I mean, the climax of the entire episode.... and they cut in to tell us.... The Amber Alert was cancelled. Is all the buzzing and interrupting really necessary for that? Maybe a crawler? It was only 23 minutes later, so obviously it wasn't too serious. I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath and said a little prayer of thanks that the kid was OK. We got about the last minute of the show, which had the most important part (two girls kissing when they should've been having at least 3 cheeseburgers. Each.) So I watch CSI and on to watching most of ER (easily distracted I am). And then the news. They start telling the story of this poor kid. He's five years old, sleeping in the back of his momma's truck. His mom goes into an Academy Sports store and LEAVES THE KID IN THE CAR!!! I don't like to cuss too much, but seriously, what the fuck? Not even a gas station (even that is unbelievable to me). Left the thing running and unlocked. I bet she locks the truck when she leaves her purse in there. Have we not learned yet? Have we not learned to not let our kids out of our sight when we're out in public? Even when I'm at a gas station filling up the car, if I have Gabi with me, I don't leave the car without her AND I lock the doors AND I keep aware of my surroundings. How in the world can people not know? It amazes me to no end.

Weezer ~ Island in the Sun. Dip Dip.

Tom Petty ~ Refugee

Bon Jovi ~ It's My Life

Sting ~ Be Still My Beating Heart. I love this song. I love this entire album (Nothing Like the Sun). I could listen to it non-stop over and over. Seriously.

I'm so bored. It's so rainy and gross and I totally would love to go shopping, but I don't get paid until Tuesday. This weekend will totally be a trial. The impending "holiday" is upon us. I don't want to sound bitter or anything, but I hate Valentine's Day. Maybe it's jealousy or maybe it's because I can't figure out why people make such a big deal out of it. Either it's women bitching that their husbands/boyfriends better pull through for them on V-day or men freaking out about whether they're doing the right thing for their wives/girlfriends. That's really sweet, huh? Bitching and fear. It seems like guys find it to be a total beatdown because women just won't stop making such a big deal about it. Here's a tip for everyone in a relationship: just be happy you're with someone. Quite whining, lest you be all alone. Expect nothing but an "I love you" and if you get more than that, you can be thrilled to pieces. But here's what I really hate about it: Having coupledom shoved in my face at every turn. I'm really glad that you've found someone to be with, but not everyone is so lucky. It's shoved in our faces 365 days a year (366 last year), it's just that on February 14th, it's shoved in our faces in the form of a horrifying pink and red nightmare. I'm currently enjoying some aspects of singlehood (getting to flirt with whomever I please, oh YES!), but to tell the truth, I crave having someone there for me. I crave being there for someone.

In other revealing and quite depressing news, Valentine's Day also marks the anniversary of quite possibly the worst day of my life. I realize that I'm incredibly lucky that the worst day of my life did not involve any sort of death in the family or life-threatening accidents or injuries. It was the day I found out the co-parent had been cheating on me for four months. I did the math and it turns out that it started one month after he asked me to marry him. So this day digs up all of those feelings of basically being hit in the face with a bag of bricks and the anger and hurt from that day. It's also a reminder of how far I've come from in the four years since. That day was rock-bottom and it only went up from there. Anger and hurt begat strength and I finally left him in August (again, I put up with his shit for far too long). I guess I'm just ready for some new memories to replace those awful memories.

Janet Jackson ~ Miss You Much. Another album that I played until it died. Well, a tape, really. And a CD.

Billy Joel ~ New York State of Mind. Eight minutes? G'bye Mr. Joel. Skip!

Is it weird that even on the weekends, I start to get all excited at 4:57?

The Cure ~ Pictures of You. While that Dr. Pepper commercial allowed me to love that Meatloaf song, that HP commercial brought to light this wonderful song. I had heard it before that commercial, but it didn't really register. I hope that makes sense.

Oh man, I've been writing for a long time. I should wrap it up before shiny objects and furry woodland animals start distracting you. Sorry I got sad and depressing there for a while, but I had to get it out. That's what this whole thing's for.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on telling your other five year old on how it's going to be.

Now, if anyone should appreciate this story, you would. I got caught unawares when the stores here rolled out the holiday crap for V-Day. I literally turned the corner in the store and was accosted by a pink candy nightmare. Anyway, I had my son in the cart with me, and I just look down at him and said "Remember this Tim, Valentine's Day is a total scam."
So now, when you ask him "Tim, what's Valentine's Day?" he gets a big grin and says "It's a SCAM!"

I wish my dad had given me that advice... it took me 10 years to figure it out. However, since Jr. High I've celebrated the massacre, rather than the Greeting Card & Confectioner's conspiracy.

~ St. Ota-tine

6:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

a tip for everyone in a relationship: just be happy you're with someone. Quite whining, lest you be all alone. Expect nothing but an "I love you" and if you get more than that, you can be thrilled to pieces.

Thank you Di for the above eye opener. I guess some men say "I Love You" quietly. They work hard, provide for their family, and come home every night. You are right, that should be enough. Frankly, I am jealous of my single friends because of their freedom. Seems we always want what we don't have and the grass always looks greener on the other side. Thanks for helping me realize, that despite the lack of romance, cards, gifts, forgotten anniversaries and birthdays, and other surprises, I am blessed.
I am so sorry for the way your ex has treated you, but I am confident that your day is coming, and you too will be truly blessed.

9:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Di, V-Day is just one of many examples of one of life's greatest truths: women are evil and men are stupid. If women stopped demanding candy and flowers and $18 stuffed bears that usually cost $3, the "holiday" would go away. If men had the brains (or other anatomy) to stand up and refuse to buy into this crap, the "holiday" would go away.

So, I'm totally with you on this one. If you have someone, be content in that. Give your significant others love, and even gifts if desired, on March 7th or August 14th, or every day of the year. Just don't cave to those who seek to push you into a "mandatory" show of corporate affection. Just my 1/50 of a dollar, which is coincedentally all that I have left after buying heart-shaped pieces of cardboard filled with tiny inducers of heart disease and diabetes.


8:26 AM


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