I hope you're not expecting something specific.

May 23, 2005


OK, listen. I just got my face royally rocked, so I'm going to have to write about this season finale before the buzz wears off. If you haven't seen the finale, don't whine to me that I ruined it! K? It has aired in most time zones in its entirety and besides, what are you doing reading blogs if you haven't seen it yet? Anyway!

Where to start....First of all, I was expecting more fighter jets. We had lots of helicopters and gun battles, but only a few shots of fighter jets. Yes, they were really cool shots, but they were at night and seriously, not as cool as Season Three's jet fighter appearances. My only other gripe is that we never really knew why Marwan was so intent on destroying everything and, the paramount 24 question, who he was working for. Yes, we got some vague terrorist bullshit about "our land" and blah blah blah. But was he working for someone higher up? We never really saw him answering to anyone else, but one guy? Behind the whole thing? Seriously? Eh, OK. Maybe it will tie into Season Five! Ooooooooh!

Anyway. How much did I love this?!?! There are no words, my friend. But I'm going to make some anyway. First of all, I was really scared that Tony was going to bite it. He and Michelle really called down the jinx of all jinxes when they said they were getting back together. But man, when Curtis came up behind Naked Mandy and took her sorry terror-ass down. Sha-POW! Oh, and on that note, how awesome is it that Curtis totally survived? Huh? Handsome Black Agent made it! I hope he's back next season. He is FIIIINE! Ahem. And a really good character.

OK, so was it the best season ever? Season Two was previously my favorite, but this one may have surpassed it. First of all, it was Kim and cougar-free. Second, Jack's personal relationship with Audrey, I felt, was kept to a minimum. In fact, most personal relationships were pretty bare minimum with the exception of Tony and Michelle, whose relationship played directly into the plot. I also liked that they found a way to bring back some favorites like President Palmer. Gah, that Logan guy and his "security chief"... I wanted to pop 'em both. And you guys do realize that Naked Mandy is the same girl that blew up the plane in the Season One Premiere, right?

I was a little confused when they blew up the missile at about the 6:20 mark. I was like, what are we going to do for forty minutes? Last season we got about a 30 second wrap up with Jack breaking down in his car right at the end. This time, I was very confused, but very pleased to see one more plot play out. I mean, we couldn't just leave that whole Chinese thing flappin out in the breeze, could we? I think it was done very well and really did have me turned and twisted and shocked and uttering expletives. Sorry, but no other show can do that for me. 24 is the bestest ever!!! I'm so glad it's back for two more seasons. I don't know how they'll top themselves, but I know they somehow will. Now, I read an interview with one of the creators before Season 4 started, and he made it seem like the first three seasons were like a trilogy, as would 4, 5, and 6, if they got renewed for that much. Last week, they got renewed for two more seasons, so it looks like that's a go.

I know I have more thoughts on this, but I think I need to let it all sink in first. I really am blown away by the whole thing and still letting everything sink in. Good thing I have the finale on tape so I can re-watch it!

Just think... after Wednesday, I'll barely have any TV to talk about at all. Sigh!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get your face rocked a lot, don't you? (Hmmm... that sounds much dirtier than I intended.)


11:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No TV after Wednesday? What a shame. I will certainly miss the one sentence about any show I actually care to watch. Just think, you'll have plenty of time to watch the White Sox-Rangers series this weekend!

Oh, by the way, the best show on TV is nowhere near the end of its season. Victory is mine...for now. Just my luck, the idjits at NBC will run West Wing at 9pm Sunday against Family Guy, thereby forcing me to tape at least 1 of the only 2 shows on TV consistently worth watching.


Matt Santos / Peter Griffin '05
Campaign HQ

7:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa after a long blog hiatus i've returned and all i can say is "why didn't we watch the finale together di???" i was freaking out, thank goodness i had my de-fib nearby. yeah, it was that intense. i don't get why chloe was there when jack "died". maybe i still hate chloe. not as much as i hate edgar though. what are they going to do next season? there's no jack. tony and michelle are gone. it better not be the chloe and edgar show featuring curtis.

i officially have nothing to look forward to as of now. lost has concluded and my tv watching life is over for a few months. oh woe is me!

aren't you glad i'm back di? :) of course you aren't because we didn't get to know each other too well before i fell into that really deep hole but i clawed my way back :).

12:36 AM


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