I hope you're not expecting something specific.

April 19, 2004

Wacky is SO Overrated

I guess this is supposed to be some sort of introduction? I'm making this blog about my issues, because I have many. In a way, that makes me frighteningly normal. Let's get real here. Everyone has issues and everyone is "psycho" at some point in their life. I often say I'm the most sane person I know. Others would disagree, but that's incongruous because those people don't know everyone I know. All that says is that I'm more sane than that person. Which I am. In a world where everyone's supposed to be crazy and wacky and as "individual" as possible, I feel like I'm this normal, down the middle person who just wants to make fun of the absurdity. Because people really do absurd things to try to project how awesomely original they are. I like to observe. And then I like to make fun of people. So this is perfect! Gosh, how long can these things be? Infinity? Well, this was just a test entry. Hopefully, the next posts will have some sort of structure or train of thought. Although, I'm pretty sure that "stream-of-consciousness" is my best format. You've been warned.


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